Chapter 6

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As expected, Chris woke up in the same 'dream'. It obviously wasn't a dream at this point but that's what it felt like. so that's what it'll be called for now. Anyway, he woke up on the bed, wires hooked to his body. His side and head ached. The bullet and blood loss was at fault for that. After a bit of relaxing, Chris decided to try and sit up, though it was painful. Once he sat up, he noticed something. Barry, Jill, and Wesker were in the room with him, sleeping on chairs. Furrowing his eyebrows, he slowly got up, trying not to wake them up. But as he did this, the door to the room opened. "Chris! Lay back down right now, mister. You'll tear a stitch and reopen the wounds." It was Rebecca. "Sorry, Rebecca." Chris slowly laid back down. The other sighed softly, "Thank you. How are you feeling?" "I feel fine. There's just a bit of pain but it's nothing that I can't handle." Rebecca smiled before nodding, "You must be hungry. I'll go get you some food and get the others. We were worried about you. Especially them. They stayed here all night." She stated as she gestured her hand towards the three that were sleeping. "Thank you..." She left the room, closing the door behind her. Barry soon woke up, most likely due to the talking. Upon seeing the younger male awake, a warm smile appeared on his face. He got up from the chair, walking over then hugged him. "Are you ok?" Chris nodded, smiling back at him. "Did Rebecca come in yet?" Barry asked. "Yeah, she left a minute ago." Barry nodded before pulling away. "Heal up, Chris. If you need anything, call me." "Thank you, Barry." The older male nodded again before going over to Jill, gently shaking her awake. Once she saw Chris, she quickly got up and hugged him. "Chris, are you ok?" The brunette chuckled softly, "I'm fine, Jill." He reasurred. Jill sighed softly in relief, "We were so worried. You passed out once Rebecca got to you." "I'm sorry for worrying you guys. I didn't think he was going to shoot after that punch." He chuckled again. Jill shook her head, "You need to be more careful. Even captain Wesker was worried. He LOOKED worried." Wesker was known to show no emotion. Just a cold expression. So him showing a bit of something was quite surprising. "Really? Damn, I missed that?" Chris joked. He's seen Wesker show emotion. Well, in his 'world', the man was a psychopath. Laughing as the world was getting infected, his evil grin and whatnot. He's seen it all. But worried? No. Maybe worried about his plan failing but not for another person. "Yeah. He didn't admit it but we all knew it." Jill giggled. "Speaking of Wesker, how about we leave you alone with him? I'm sure he'll want to talk to you. Maybe about that stupid stunt you pulled back there." "Hey, he could've shot Jill." Jill shook her head, "Well good luck with the scolding." She waved. "Thanks, I might need it." Barry and Jill left the room, leaving Chris and a sleeping Wesker alone. Waking up the male seemed like a terrible idea. So, he decided to let the man sleep in. It wasn't long before the blonde stirred awake. "Chris?" Chris looked over, a smile creeping up. "Hi Captain. I uh...I'm fine if you're wondering. I've already been asked like three times." he chuckled softly. Wesker sighed softly before adjusting his sunglasses. (Yes he was wearing his sunglasses. He was a worried boi) "What were you thinking? You could've died. I expected more from you, Christopher." "I'm not mad, just disappointed" He mocked, holding back a laugh. "This isn't a time for jokes." Wesker stated. "Uh-huh. Because you were worried right?" He teased. Wesker stood up from the chair, walking towards the door. "Wait! Wait! I was just messing with you!" Chris laughed as he spoke. Something that Wesker....liked. The laugh that he missed. Letting out another sigh, Wesker walked back. Though this time, he sat down on the bed. "You need to be more careful." "I will. I promise." chris looked at Wesker, smiling warmly at him. What surprised him was that the blonde returned the smile, though it was a small one. A soft blush formed on the brunette's cheeks, didn't go unnoticed. The smile on the other's face turned into a smirk. To add onto this unexpected behavior, Wesker pulled Chris into a side hug, like what he did the night before. He gently rubbed he man's shoulder. "I'm only messing with you, Chris." He stated in a mocking tone. Who knew that the cold man could joke around. "Ha ha. Real funny." Chris looked away to hide the forming smile. Seconds later, the door to the room opened, causing Wesker to quickly back away. This did go unnoticed. "Chris, I thought I told you to lay down." "I was laying down but I had to sit up straight and listen to the scolding." Chris replied, which wasn't exactly a lie. Rebecca shook her head. "Uh-oh. Someone's in trouble." Joseph teased. "When is he not in trouble?" Richard joined in, smirking playfully. "Hey, I heard that. And don't act like you haven't gotten in trouble before." Chris huffed softly. "Boys boys, let's not argue now. Not in front of the Captain." Rebecca mumbled as she moved a tv tray in front of the bed before placing the plate of food down. "She's right. You wouldn't want to get scolded too, right?" Jill smirked. "Whatever, Jill sandwich." Richard smirked back. "G-Guys..." Brad warned, taking frightened glances at Wesker, worried about him getting angry. But they didn't listen. "Seriously? We're going there?" "That's enough." Wesker spoke out. "Uh-oh, you guys done it now." Joseph joked, receiving a look from Wesker. "Sorry, sir." Chris snorted, "Look who's in trouble now." He teased. "Chris, eat your food." Wesker ordered. Barry crossed his arms, giving the younger male a disappointed mother look. "Aye aye, captain." Chris saluted before diving into his food.

(Thank you all for reading! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! I love the sibling type of bickering XD)

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