Chapter 7

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After eating, everyone was forced out of the room by Rebecca, being told that the injured man needed rest. Of course everyone but Wesker. Rebecca left them alone as well, deciding to check in later. "How is the pain?" The younger male, who was lying down on the bed, shrugged. "I'm fine." He answered as he yawned softly. "Get some rest, Redfield. You need it." Chris glanced up at Wesker, nodding in response. But instead of getting comfortable, he just kept staring at the blonde. "What?" "This just uh...reminds me of something." "Hm?" Wesker raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Did you...the other night, did you sleep with me?" chris asked, not being able to hold back the growing blush. "I did." So direct. No regret in his voice. Saying it as if he was proud of it. "Do you have a problem with that?" He asked. Chris gulped, quickly shaking his head. "N-No no. I uh...I was just curious." He looked away, clearing his throat. Wesker stared at Chris for a little while longer before he got up. "Push over." He instructed. "H-Huh?" "Make some room. Push over." Chris took a bit to take that in. He blinked a few times then moved over. Wesker climbed onto the bed, laying down on his back. He patted his chest, gesturing for Chris to put his head there. The other male seemed to understand, moving over to the blonde. He placed his head on the other's chest, getting nice and comfortable. Wesker moved his arm around the brunette, holding him close. When Chris was close to falling asleep, Wesker planted a quick and soft kiss on his forehead. Thankfully, Chris was on the verge of falling asleep, so, he didn't really notice. Wesker on the other hand, he surprised himself. What was he doing? He shouldn't be getting this close to Chris. Especially with what he had planned. This would only ruin it. Well, he was in love with him but if he was to try to convince Chris to join him, he knew for damn sure that the brunette would reject. Knowing the type of man that Chris was, he knew there was no way to get him to join the dark side (>:D). It wasn't long before Rebecca returned to the room. Of course she was very surprised with what she was seeing. At this point, Wesker was asleep, which was why he didn't back away when she opened the door. After standing there shocked for a bit, Rebecca moved to the side of the bed. She didn't wasn't to disrupt them but she had to check on the stitches, to make sure there was no infection. As she was doing this, Richard walked in. "Hey. How is he-oh." He stopped in his tracks, examining what was in front of him. "Shhh. Don't wake them up. And don't tell anyone. Captain Wesker would be really mad if we did. But the stitches are good. There's no sign of an infection." She whispered. "That's good. An infection is the last thing we need. But are we going to pretend that we didn't see this or...?" "Yes. Now let's get out before they wake up." Rebecca quietly replied, pushing Richard out of the room. They both made sure that no one would enter the room until one of them were awake. Which of course they did. This time, Wesker woke up first. His eyes immediately landed on Chris. A warm expression formed on his face as he watched the other sleep peacefully. The brunette's facial features were soft, his eyes twitched slightly as he dreamt. Wesker lifted one of his hands, gently running his fingers through the other's hair. Soon enough, Chris's eyes fluttered open, raising to meet his gaze. A soft blush made it's way to his cheeks, retrieving a small knowing smirk. The blonde didn't stop playing with his hair. "Are you alright, Christopher?" He teased. The tint of red only darkened. "Y-Yeah." Chris pulled away from Wesker, sitting up on the bed. The smirk vanished from the older male's face, feeling slightly disappointed. "I think that I'm ready to go home. I mean, the pain isn't bad." Wesker furrowed his eyebrows, humming softly. "If you say so, Redfield. Try not to test that luck of yours." "Jealous of my luck?" "No. Stupidity follows that luck of yours. It explains why that you're always getting injured." "Ouch. Ok." Chris chuckled as he got off of the bed. Wesker got off as well, putting on his sunglasses. "Don't act so offended, Chris. Behind that stupidity is bravery. But don't let that get to your head. It's not an invitation to continue your reckless behavior." Chris rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah. I get it." He smiled at the other before leaving the room. "Chris, where are you going?" It was Rebecca. Richard was right next to her. "I'm just heading home. The pain isn't bad." Rebecca nodded, "Just be careful of your stitches." Chris smiled at her, "Thank you, Rebecca. See you guys tomorrow." Richard and Rebecca waved at him. When he got home, he dressed into something comfortable then went to his bedroom. As he walked towards his bed, he noticed a calendar that was hanging on his wall. Taking a closer look, he realized something. There was just a week until the Spencer Mansion event. Before he could look further into it, there was a knock at his front door. Carefully, Chris approached the door, being very cautious. He peeked through the peephole to see who it could be. Surprisingly, it was Wesker. What was he doing here? Slowly, he cracked the door open, looking through the space that he made. "Captain Wesker?" "Hello, Chris. Surprised to see me? Let me in." Chris nodded, moving to the side while opening the door for him. Wesker walked inside, heading right for the couch. "Not to be rude or anything but uh...what are you doing here?" The brunette asked as he followed the other male. "Am I not allowed to visit one of my best men?" It was unusual for him to give compliments. Yet it still flattered Chris. "No no no, I was just surprised and a bit curious." He shuffled uncomfortably during the awkward silence. It only lasted a bit since Wesker patted the cushion next to him. "Sit." The other quickly sat down. They sat quietly for some time, Chris sharing quick glances at Wesker, which he caught every glance but he never mentioned it. Eventually, Chris decided to speak up. "Do you want something to drink or something to eat?" "Did you finally get food?" The brunette looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Oh" He heard a soft chuckle, which only increased the feeling of embarrassment. "You need to take better care of yourself." Something in Chris snapped. "Why do you care?" He asked as he looked at the blonde. "Excuse me?" Wesker furrowed his eyebrows as he removed his sunglasses. "In that moment he knew, he fucked up XD) Chris gulped as he realized his mistake. "I-I'm sorry, captain. I don't know what came over me. Jus stressed..." Wesker stared at him for a bit. "Chris, I do care. You know that, correct?" Chris was tempted to snap again. He cared? Well, he was worried for him a few times, but what if that was all fake? Just to play along with his plan? In a week, he would kill his own teammates. Chris quickly looked at Wesker, ready to snap again but he stopped. The look in Wesker's eyes, it was different. Something he's never seen before. "Christopher, you're one of my best men. You can be trouble and get on my nerves sometimes but lately..."He paused for a moment, thinking. The anticipation was affecting Chris. What was the man going to say next? "You've change my view on some things. Affected me in a way that even I can't explain." What was happening? This was almost too much to take in. What was the man trying to get at? His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the blonde slowly leaning towards him. Chris's breath got caught in his throat. He now knew exactly what the other was doing. But did he move away? No. He stayed completely still, allowing Wesker to get closer and closer until their lips touched. He didn't know what to do. He's been wanting this for so long but now that it's happening, he's not so sure. Well, he does still want this but he would feel horrible. This man was literally going to eliminate his teammates in a week. But would it hurt to let this happen this one time? Wasn't this just some kind of alternate reality or some 'dream'. Maybe this was the afterlife. Maybe he did die on that volcano. So maybe this was ok. Well, fuck it. He's already made his decision. He immediately started to kiss back, raising his arms and wrapping them around Wesker's neck. Wesker's hands moved to his waist. Slim fingers made their way to the soft blonde hair, running through it gracefully. Soft noises left their mouths, deepening the kiss. Wesker then pulled Chris onto his lap, his hands moving up the his back, sending a shiver up the brunette's spine. After a few more seconds, the two separated to get some air. Their arms were still wrapped around each other, not wanting to let go. A small smirk formed on Wesker's face, causing Chris to make a look at him. "What's with the smirk?" "I knew that you couldn't resist me." He stated proudly. Chris rolled his eyes, "Whatever. What a way to ruin the moment, narcissist." Wesker let out a laugh. Chris lowered his head onto the other's shoulder, enjoying the peaceful moment. Wesker sat there silently, thinking to himself. He let out a soft sigh as he rubbed the brunette's back. I'm staying with you tonight, Chris. I'll get us something to eat since to don't know how to take care of yourself." Wesker teased. "I do know how to take care of myself. I just forgot to get food. It happens you know. You don't have to get me food, I'll be-" "Christopher." Wesker firmly interrupted as he looked over to see his face. "Ok ok, fine. Jeez." Chris chuckled softly, smiling at the blonde. The older male soon ordered food, allowing them to eat together. After a hour after eating, Chris was fast asleep. Wesker smiled slightly at him before leaning down to give him a kiss. Who would've known that the man was this affectionate. He soon stood up, carrying the brunette in his arms. Heading to the bedroom, Wesker laid Chris onto the bed before joining him. He had the younger male lay on him, his head on the blonde's chest. He wrapped an arm around the other's back, holding him close, feeling very comfortable. Closing his eyes, Wesker soon fell asleep.

(Ayyyyyye! How was that? I hope that was a good confession XD Thank you all for reading! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Also, do you think that Richard will spill the beans? :O Rebecca and Richard know something's up with the two UwU)

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