⚠️Chapter 9⚠️

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Arriving at Wesker's home, the two settled in. Chris set his things by the door, so that he wouldn't forget them. He wasn't sure if he was staying over or not. It could be possible. "Make yourself comfortable, Chris. I'll go get us some drinks." Wesker spoke as he walked into the kitchen. The brunette sat down on the couch, looking around as he waited patiently. The place was fairly clean, spotless actually. He wasn't surprised. The man was always, has always been, so organized. It wasn't long before he would notice the calendar. Something that would yet again make him overthink. A few more days. A few more days until everything would go to shit. He hoped that he wouldn't have to go through it again. He just wished that it would end here, whatever this was. But of course that wouldn't happen. Wesker soon returned with two wine glasses in his hands. He set them onto the table before sitting next to the other. The blonde couldn't help but notice the younger male spacing out. He didn't look very happy, more...sad? Wesker placed his hand on Chris's shoulder, slightly startling him. "Chris, are you alright?" "Huh? Oh uh...yeah I'm..I'm fine." Chris looked down at his feet, unable to look at the other. "Christopher..." He spoke sternly, crossing his arms. Chris sighed softly, "I'm just a bit stressed out. There's a lot on my mind." He answered truthfully. Wesker hummed, thinking for a moment. "Would you like to talk about it?" "Uh...." How would he explain it to the man that was causing the stress in a way? "If someone...that you were really close to...was to do something to hurt you...like on purpose...what would you do?" He asked. Wesker furrowed his eyebrows at him, "Who hurt you?" He sounded so cold. That sent a shiver up his spine. "N-No one. Well...it's complicated actually. I can't say any names." A huff came from Wesker, sounding frustrated in a sense. Which was pretty funny due to the situation, or the conversation they were having. "Fine...but if someone ever hurts you again..tell me. I'll deal with them." Then you would deal with yourself, was what Chris wanted to say but didn't. "Ok. I will." Wesker nodded, "Now that's out of the way, let's enjoy ourselves." He picked up both wine glasses, handing one to Chris, which he took. "Thanks." They sipped their drinks silently, enjoying the moment. (Let's hope that nothing was in the wine. ~reference~) Both glasses were soon finished within some time. Throughout this time, Wesker had noticed that the brunette continued to space out. "Are you still thinking about what we spoke of before?" He asked, snapping Chris out of his daydreaming state. "Uh yeah...sorry." He played the wine glass down onto the table, sighing softly. Wesker did the same before returning his attention to the stressed man. "Do you want me to help you forget about it for the time being?" That caught the other's attention. What was that suppose to mean? "Uh...sure?" He raised an eyebrow in curiosity as Wesker got closer. Soon enough, their lips touched. Chris didn't hesitate (for once T-T) to kiss him back, wrapping his arms around Wesker's neck. They kiss for a while, as long as the other times. Eventually, Wesker backed away, but he immediately moved the kisses to Chris's jawline. The kisses were gentle. But they moved down to his neck, where that soft nibbles were added. Just then did Chris realize what Wesker meant by 'helping him forget'. A dark blush formed at the realization. Though he didn't back away or stop Wesker because to be honest, he kind of wanted this. He has been wanting this. And he was ashamed for it. He really was. But this wasn't really...'real', right? So if he was going to enjoy it, now would be the time. Wesker lowered himself a bit so that he could pick the other up, wrapping Chris's legs around his waist. He returned his kiss to Chris's lips as he carried him to his bedroom. Once he got inside, he dropped the other onto the bed, staring down at the blushing mess that laid there. "Are you sure that you want to do this, Chris?" He asked. "Yes, Captain." Wesker furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "Just call me Wesker during this." Chris nodded, "Ok, Wesker." The blonde left briefly to retrieve some things. When he returned, he placed the things onto the night stand that was by the bed before joining the other, going back to kissing his neck. He made sure not to leave any hickeys, not wanting to put Chris in the position of anyone seeing them. Even though he desired to show others who the brunette belonged to. He would also feel prideful seeing them. But he still didn't do it. As the kisses moved down, Wesker worked on removing Chris's clothes. Now that the kisses were lower, he decided to leave a few marks here and there. Nowhere that would be noticeable. He soon backed away to remove his own clothes and his sunglasses, smirking when he caught the other staring. "Like what you see, Chris?" Chris blushed darkly, looking away from the blonde, causing him to chuckle. Wesker reached over and grabbed the lubricant and towel that he placed on the night stand previously. He lifted Chris up a bit, placing the towel below him. As for the lubricant, he opened it then dipped his fingers in. Once his fingers were nicely coated, he used his other hand to spread Chris's legs. Slowly and carefully, Wesker stuck his middle finger inside. Feeling the tightness already made his member twitch in anticipation. He could tell that the brunette was a virgin. This made him feel honored to be his first. He moved his finger around a bit before adding another, immediately scissoring the space. Chris let out a small groan as he was being stretched out. It didn't sting until the third digit was added. Thankfully, it wasn't bad. Wesker curled his fingers, hitting the bundle of nerves that had Chris moaning. Unable to hold back any longer, Wesker pulled his fingers out, receiving a disappointed sigh. The blonde reached for the night stand again, retrieving a condom. He opened it up carefully before rolling it onto his member, now aligning himself up to Chris's entrance. "Relax. It'll hurt more if you don't." Wesker warned. He began to push inside the tight area, groaning softly as his member was surrounded by warm walls. Chris let out a choked gasp, attempting to relax as pain filled his lower regions. Wesker reached down and wrapped his fingers around Chris's hardened erection, giving him quick and steady strokes. Now pain and pleasure filled the brunette. Once the other was fully inside, he waited for Chris to adjust to his size, not wanting to hurt him. Soon enough, Chris was able to relax and adjust, giving the blonde a slight nod to let him know that it was ok to move. Wesker slowly pulled back until his tip was practically out before pushing back inside. The process was slow but over time, the thrusts quickened with each moan that came from the younger male. Wesker leaned forward, gripping the other's legs and raised them up, attempting to go deeper. Chris's arms wrapped around his neck, pulling the male closer. He let out sweet moans that filled the blonde's ears, like a sweet melody on replay. "W-Wesker! Ngh!" Wesker groaned softly in bliss, moving his hips faster and added a bit more force. He angled himself so that with each thrust, he directly hit the brunette's prostate. Wesker's hand swiftly returned to Chris's leaking bouncing member, giving him quick strokes that matched the rhythm of the thrusts. Chris tried to warn the other of his approaching climax but all that came out was choked gasps and loud moans. But the older male could tell that he was close just by the looks of it. Like of how Chris's tip twitched with each thrust. He quickened the pace of his hand. Within a few more thrusts and strokes, Chris ejaculated all over himself. The tightness that formed around Wesker's member sent him into an overwhelming pleasurable release, cumming into the condom. Wesker pulled out, allowing Chris to fall flat against the towel, panting heavily. "Another round, Christopher?" The blonde asked as he gestured his hand towards the other unused condom that was on the night stand. Chris took a moment to regain his senses before nodding. A playful smirk appeared on Wesker's face as he removed the used condom, replacing it with a fresh one. He gave himself and Chris messy strokes to awaken their members, which didn't take too long for the two to stand proud. "Do I need to go slow or can I just go in?" The blonde asked. "Just go in." The older male nodded before turning the brunette over onto his side, hooking an arm under his leg and raising it up high. It was impressive with how flexible the younger male was. Wesker lubricated his growing member. With one thrust, he was fully inside. He wasted no time to start thrusting, aiming straight for that bundle of nerves, again receiving loud moans from the other. This session didn't last as long. The two men were already overstimulated, earning a quick yet pleasurable release. Wesker pulled out and removed the condom before getting off of the bed. He yanked the towel from underneath Chris, wiping the white substance off of his chest and stomach. He threw away the used condoms, put away the lubricant, and threw the towel into the laundry basket. Needing a shower, Wesker set up the water before returning to Chris. Retrieving clean clothes, he picked up the brunette with no trouble, taking him to the bathroom where the water was already ready. The shower was quite pleasing and relaxing. Once they got out, Wesker let the other borrow his clothes for tonight, which were a bit bigger on him, cute. His clothes needed to be washed, not wanting the brunette to wear dirty clothes. "You can stay over tonight. Try not to push yourself tomorrow. I know that you'll be sore." "Ok...thanks." Chris snuggled up to Wesker. For some reason, the thoughts from before returned. A few more days. Just a few more. And yet here he was, sleeping with the man who would cause him some crazy trauma. He just wanted to forget about everything for a moment. But just the thought of reliving that awful nightmare again, the day that the man he looked up to and loved betrayed him, the day when all of his teammates would die,  the day that he first hesitated in stopping Wesker. It haunted him. He couldn't ignore it. It frightened him. "Christopher, go to sleep." He heard the blonde grumble. Chris looked up at Wesker, sighing softly. Everything was ok for now. He just needed to relax. Just go with what's happening in the moment rather than in the future. He'll worry about that when the day comes. Soon enough, the two fell asleep peacefully. A few more days of this.

(Thank you everyone so much for reading! I hope that you all enjoyed this rather spicy chapter XD Next chapter is where everything will go down. Be prepared. 👁️👄👁️)

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