Chapter 15

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None of it had happened. It was all just a dream, just as Chris had first guessed. Both realities were mixed up in his head, not knowing which of the two was his reality. What had happened in the volcano was a blur, bits and pieces lost in the back of his mind. What he does remember is falling out of the helicopter. How he survived was unknown. The only thing he could guess is Jill. She would never let her teammates down, doing whatever she could to keep them alive. So Chris's survival could've been because of her. The door to the room opened, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Thank god you're awake. I was starting to get worried." Chris recognized that voice. "Jill...I...I can't sit up." His best friend approached the end of the bed, still out of his sight. "That's ok. You shouldn't be moving around anyway. Especially not after what you've been through." "Just a little swim in a hot tub. Nothing I can't handle." A sigh came from Jill. "Chris, you've been out for nearly a week. We've been worried." She spoke with a serious tone. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you guys. I should've been more careful. Enough about me. What about you, Jill? Why aren't you resting?" She had been controlled by Wesker, forced to do horrible things. What was used on her changed some things and probably made her extremely exhausted. He couldn't imagine how she was feeling now. "Don't worry about me, Chris. I'm fine." She reassured. The door opened again, silencing their conversation. "He's awake?" "Yep. Thankfully being his usual self." The one who spoke first rounded the bed, entering Chris's vision. The brunette stilled as he stared at the other. "How are you feeling, Christopher?" They asked but Chris completely ignored them. Instead, he turned his attention to his friend. "What is he doing here, Jill? I-I thought we- no I thought you and Sheva...." He couldn't finish the sentence. Jill walked over, standing next to the male. Chris examined her. "Your hair...I thought it was permanently blonde...Jill, what's going on? Please don't let this be..." Another dream, he finished in his thoughts. There stood Albert Wesker and Jill Valentine. Her hair was the usual brown, completely different from what he'd last seen. If Wesker wasn't there, he would've guessed she found a way to turn it back to normal. The two shared looks before looking back at the other. "Chris have you done what you've done before?" The brunette gave them a confused look. "Time travel." Wesker added. Those two words nearly made Chris cry in relief. He was still in the other universe. Although he was confused on how he travelled so far ahead. "I...I don't know. I thought...I thought that I was back in my time where you are dead and Jill, you were controlled by him, forced to fight me and spread the virus. After Sheva and I saved you, we...went after Wesker. That when he obtained Uroboros. When got you down....and there was a helicopter. That's when I fell off the helicopter. What happened to me here? If we didn't go against you then why am I all burnt up?" Jill grabbed a chair, setting it down next to the bed then sat down. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Chris...almost everything that you went through happened here but you were the one who was controlled. Someone by the name of Nielle took you from us during a mission. We were in a building, the Spencer Estate, looking for him since he's the one who helped make the virus. He had already injected himself before we got there, making him a lot stronger than we prepared for. He was going to kill me and Wesker but you pushed him out of the window and went down with him. We thought we lost you. That was until the sudden outbreak. We were able to save you and stop Nielle. But because of the device that he used on you, it had messed up your body pretty badly." It was to much to take in. "I don't remember any of that..." Jill gave him a warm smile. "I'm sure that Wesker will gladly fill you in since you two are....married." Chris shot up, regretting it immediately as pain shot through his body.  "Married?" He could see Wesker holding back a smirk. "Yes. I have your ring. I've been keeping it safe." "I wish that you could remember it, Chris. Everyone got so drunk. We played party games and karaoke...It was nice. You know, until all of this shit happened. We'll catch you up. Rebecca thinks she figured out how you travel. She should be coming in soon." She explained. "Why don't you go get her now, Valentine?" Wesker suggested, receiving a nod. Jill left the room with a knowing smirk, making sure to close the door. "Push over if you can." Chris carefully and slowly scooted over, giving the blonde some room. The older male got onto the bed, resting next to his lover. "Wesker...How did I get the burn marks? Was it from the lava?" The brunette asked, still confused on how he survived. "No. You never fell into the lava. The suit that Nielle had created for you damaged your skin, made those severe burn marks. They may leave scars but they will heal over time." "Scars...?" Wesker gently placed a hand on one of the burn marks. "Are you worried that my view of you would change?" Chris looked down in guilt. "They're disgusting." "They're fine. My view of you will never change." He kissed the other's forehead, making him smile. The moment was ruined when the door opened. His old teammates walked in along with Rebecca. They looked so much older, in a good way. Seeing them all still alive made Chris tear up. "It's good to see you guys." He mumbled. "Time travelling I hear?" Joseph asked. "I guess so..." Rebecca walked forward, notepad in hand. "Your vitals are looking good...but there's still things that need to heal. So that means no getting into trouble." "Pft, as if that's even possible." Richard murmured, receiving an elbow hit from Jill and a snicker from Joseph. "Onto the time travelling part...I think that I may have an idea as to what has been happening. I'm not entirely sure how it started but by the pattern of when you time travel, you're overwhelmed by a big situation. So subconsciously, you somehow travel around. This isn't the only time this has happened. By your reaction to this, you don't remember the other times except for the first time it happened." Rebecca explained, reading off of a paper. "But I don't understand...How could this all have started? I don't think that I was exposed to anything. If I was, then Sheva, a woman from my timeline, should've been exposed too." "You two were always by each other's side?" Enrico asked. "No....we've separated a few times....Shit, do you really think I was exposed to something that gave me this ability? I mean Wesker's speed is something but this is on a whole other level." The others gave each other confused looks. "My speed?" Chris looked over at Wesker, taking in his confused expression. "Take off your sunglasses." He ordered. Without a question, the blonde removed his glasses, revealing his bright blue orbs. Chris was at loss of words. "What's wrong?" The brunette shook his head. "This can't be real. It's like I'm in a whole other universe." "Careful Chris, you might accidentally travel if you don't relax." Joseph joked. "He's right. We can't risk you leaving us again." That statement confused Chris slightly. Not too long ago had they explained everything that had happened in this timeline. "I don't understand....I thought that I've been here but just don't remember it?" "Yes but you space out from time to time. Whenever we'd ask you about it, you'd never remember. The last time it happened, we had gotten you out of Nielle's control. Then boom, you were out of it for a bit." Richard explained. The explanation reminded Chris of something. He remembers waking up in a room where Jill sat next to the bed, looking tired and weak. "Why didn't you shoot, Chris? Are you alright?" He remembers her asking. "Sheva and Josh wish you a quick recovery. Don't disappoint them. I know how troublesome you are...always sneaking out when you can." "It's over now. He's gone. We did it, Chris. We finally did it." "Claire is worried sick about you." That's when it happened again. He was back at the other universe. A hand waved in front of his face. "Earth to Chris." "Shit. Is he doing it again?" Chris shook his head to focus. "I saw Jill...She was talking to me." Rebecca perked up, ready to write down whatever information he had. The brunette then went on and explained everything that he remembered. It was new considering that he normally didn't remember. Rebecca would have to do more research. "What if I go back to my timeline and I stay there?" "I'm not sure....That's why we're going to help you control it. It may become useful." Rebecca stated. "Useful as in escaping or for information?" Joseph asked. "Escaping would be impossible in his state. He'd be out of it. As for the information, it may be possible depending on the situation." Wesker finally spoke. "This whole time...I thought that I was changing something but instead I was living a separate life." Chris spoke mainly to himself. "Do you wish that you were back in your timeline?" Wesker asked. For a second, Chris could've sworn he saw disappointment in the other's eyes. "No! No no no. I mean, I'm hoping that everyone in my timeline is alright but....I like being here. I much has happened and I don't even remember it." A hand made it way over to Chris's back, rubbing soothing circles. "It's alright, Christopher. Just take your time. I'll help you remember. Even if it takes a while." Wesker reassured. Chris gave the blonde a warm smile, being happy to have him by his side.

(Boom the end. I know that this chapter must've been really confusing XD I tried to come up with something bizarre. I hope you all enjoyed this story! Thank you all for reading! ^.^)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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