The Past?

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Forward Starr proceeded, towards a goal unknown to her. She felt no hunger, no thirst, no worldly desires, the only thing she felt was this tugging feeling. And this feeling drove her forward. No matter who tried to stop her, no matter what stood in her way, she kept the same pace and proceeded forward.

The silver-haired councilman was frustrated, he had been entrusted with this project, but this was a bust, Starr was uncontrollable. He'd just pack up the equipment and start the experiment somewhere else with someone else. He entered the main lab, a lab they could never let Starr see, he wasted no time grabbing up all of his stuff. He glanced up at the center of the room, inside of a giant tube floated a body. The body of the next Starr, but he was done with Starr, he'd find someone more stable to work with next time. He picked up the chair to the old desk here, and threw it at the tube. The glass shattered and the body fell to the floor. Screw this experiment and screw her too. He started to leave but stopped at the doorway. " Goodbye Starr, and thank you for the data. Although you were a psychopathic child, I did feel for you. I may not have liked the results here, but well I do believe that we will find what we were looking for. And when that day comes I'll make sure to mention your contributions." There was a loud crash in the distance. " I really should be going now, I need to get out of your path of destruction Starr." He stepped out of the room, the door closed behind him leaving Starr 22 lying on the floor blood gushing from her stomach where the chair hit.

Alistair felt her approaching, the aura of death that Starr was currently giving off was so great that it came as no surprise when the wall blasted away and Starr entered the control room. Having been bound and tied though, Alistair could not run, at this point though would he even run. Starr must be on the search for answers, she came straight here. Well with what seemed to be happening with the council and this experiments new head, Alistair might as well give her a few answers. " Starr! I have something important to tell you."
Starr glanced over at him and stopped. She raised her hand ready to erase him like the others......... She couldn't bring herself to do it. His voice, the voice that has led her thru these terrible places, his voice that held many secrets, secrets that Starr wanted to know. She could hear him out, her goal, the drive to get where she needed, it didn't pull her that hard from this room. Now that she looked around the room, she started to understand its purpose. Screens lined the wall she had just busted through, most of them shattered or on the floor, but from the screens she could see, she figured this was the surveillance room. "From this room from these screens you could monitor everything in the facility. It's from here I watched over you Starr. Now Starr I have some important things to tell you, about yourself, about this experiment, about it all. Will you hear me out?"Starr said nothing, but she also did not leave. Alistair took this as a sign that she wanted to listen. " Well you see, this story starts with someone special. Unfortunately she's not with us anymore. Her original name was Lucille, but most called her Lucy. If that sounds familiar, well it should. I'll tell you the full story now, of Lucille, and this facility."

Lucy was an infant when she first gained control over her powers,most people who manifest powers don't get them until later in life. Lucy however was special, by the time she was ten she already had complete control over them. Unfortunately for her however, her powers led to many problems for her. She had lived with many different foster families, and life had treated her very rough. You got to experience a bit of her early life, that family in particular really annoyed her, it annoyed her enough to the point, well you remember what happened to them. By age 12 Lucy was already a wanted criminal for multiple cases of murder. That's about the time I first met her, I found her wandering the streets, at the time I was a lonely scientist studying the development of powers in kids about her age. When I saw her, I invited her to stay with me as long as she pleased. I of course had seen the news, and knew who she was, but that just made me want to help her all the more. She stayed with me for many years, we didn't talk much, she just used my house as a place to stay. Overtime stories about her, the family-killing orphan, had stopped spreading. At this point she felt comfortable leaving and I enrolled her in high school. I'm sure you recall Johnathan Black, I never got a good explanation out of her, but she always described her first day at school like some kind of ancient Roman gladiatorial match. As you know, she killed black and attended therapy. The therapist, she always shuddered when recounting him to me. With the court case, she killed her therapist, and left the building. I picked her up and we left. She asked me something peculiar on that car ride. She said " what's the point in powers?" And then she stared at me with those eyes, expecting me to give her an answer that would give meaning to her life. My response was straightforward at the time, I simply told her that I didn't know. Her reaction really surprised me. She wasn't discouraged by my answer, in fact she took it as a kind of challenge. She told me. " Then I'll make it my goal to find the reason for them." She was so determined, and at the time I was determined to help her. We created this facility with the sole purpose of researching powers. We needed test subjects, and that's where you come in, we couldn't very well perform tests like this on anyone, we needed someone who both had powers and has been through traumatic events like Lucy had. So we cloned Lucy, and used some of her past experiences in hopes to create another who could see eye to eye with Lucy, another we could experiment with. We named the first one Starr after someone who was nice to Lucy as a child. Unfortunately the first few Starr's failed if you remember the video tape you were shown. Me and Lucy grew restless and started changing a few things, we didn't need someone who was exactly like Lucy. Lucy didn't like this idea however, and only let me change minor things, things that she thought would have no effect. On our twentieth attempt however, me and Lucy got into an argument, and little to her knowledge an outside force stepped in. I only know them as the council, I know they are a part of the American army, some kind of secret unit. Somehow they found our facility and learned of us making people with powers. Lucy couldn't believe they wanted to use people with powers, her kind, as weapons when she first met them.At first they simply watched waiting for an opportunity, eventually however they kidnapped Lucy and began performing unthinkable experiments on her. They threatened me, and that's how Starr 20 came into being, her murderous intent, and complete disregard for life was exactly what they were looking for. When Lucy saw Starr 20, she..... she killed herself, she couldn't stand the thought of people using her experiment to kill people. Before she left however, she let me know that she wouldn't hate me if I continued. At this point however I had a new goal, I wanted to recreate Lucy, to bring her back in a sense. So far you... you have been the most like her, like the original Lucy, but that's not fair is it, you are your own person now. I hope you don't mind if I change your name, henceforth you are no longer another Starr. I shall call you Hope, because you symbolize mine and Lucy's dreams.

" That about summarizes it. So Hope, if I may ask a selfish favor, can you please stop the council from taking our research, I will go down with this facility. But you, you now have freedom, freedom to do what you please. So please honor an old mans last wish, please don't let them use the research for evil."
Starr didn't follow his story entirely, but she didn't like the idea of others going through experiences like her. Were these feelings really hers then, if what Alistair was saying is true, then these feelings, were they actually Lucy's. Starr remembered the little girl, all alone in the world, Starr was going to get out of here and prevent anyone from having to go through what she had to again.

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