The Little Mermaid?

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A/N (Hi I thought I would give a little warning this is a lot darker than cinderella. This is a tragedy with dark themes. There is a description of people being eaten it is not cannibalism but there is a desire to eat people I went with the classic version of mermaids/ sirens meaning they do eat people. If this is definitely not your cup of tea the next story is much lighter. )

The moon shone brightly over the ocean. I looked to my sister's grins painted upon cherry lips. The eldest burst out in a mournful song. That's when we heard the boats coming near as each of my sister's voices entwined with one another. I climbed upon the rock, trying to get a glimpse of the humans above. I joined my voice with my sisters. The eerie noise to us was a Siren's call to the captains in the boats above.

Knowing that my voice proved more tempting to the morsels, I sang out my song, but I did not want to eat tonight or really any night. Nothing about taring into the flesh of a human ever seemed to be more appetizing than a shark. Human flesh was a delicacy to my people, something to be savored and eaten only on special occasions. Telling my family that I would rather have puffer fish on my birthday would not go well, so here we were singing our song and guiding bouts into rocks.

Humans never lasted long in the ocean. If you wanted to eat one, you had to catch it fresh that day. I looked at the men on the boats scrambling around in their madness. Strangely this boat was bigger than most that I had seen. The men swayed, back and forth, closer and closer to our song before crashing into the rocks. Creating a loud screeching noise breaking the hold that our song had on the men, but it was far too late to get away from our claws. Water rushed to fill the boat, and I could hear the lyrical giggles of my sisters.

I watched as, one by one, pretty faces turned to the wide-open maws of a shark. But I felt no pleasure swimming in the water, waiting for the screams of men and the pleading for their mothers to end. Instead of opting to swim around the ship

"Dearest sister, why have you not eaten?" Mino Asked, her face and upper torso covered in the blood of some unlucky sailor.

"I am just not hungry," I said with a small smile.

"None scent's Guppy look a man is drowning over there. Eat and be happy it is your birthday after all. "she said, going back to gnawing on the man's arm. Mino had always liked to play with her food rather than eat it. I swam to the floating body finding the face of a man looking back at me.

His eyes shut, and his dark hair flowed in the water near him unnecessarily long. Yanking it, I took a clawed finger cutting a thin mark in his arm. The thick blood spilling out, tinting the water around in a faint hazy pink. Most humans didn't smell good to me or particularly appetizing. This one instead filled my mouth with drool, and before I knew it, I had bitten into his arm, almost yanking the flesh off. The blood seeped down my throat like sweet ambrosia filling my stomach. With each gulp, the man seemed to wiggle less and less before all fight seemed to be extinguished.

'No, this must be savored.' I thought, reluctantly removing my teeth and licking the wound clean.

What was that thing humans needed to survive again? Air! I swam up to the suffice with a ferocity that would take us to the suffice. The man gasped but did not rouse from his restful state."Guppy, do not play with your food," Mino said with a laugh, the water under her torso still pink."Do not worry, sister. I am merely taking this one to be eaten in peace." I said, smirking back at her. Not a lie. Technically, I was going to eat him in peace, just in a situation a lot calmer than this one.

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