The Princess And The Frog?

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Let me tell you this, being frog sucks.It all started on an early Monday morning. I got up to help Mom bring in eggs for the royal breakfast. What I didn't know is that we had some special guests. When A girl came into the kitchen and started to eat all the Honey and milk, you can imagine I had to talk to her. She was a pretty thing with her wild brown hair but unflattering clothes that seemed to clash with her skin tone. She was short but not abnormally so. Something about her spunky eyes and sweet smile drew me in."Well, hello there, darling, how bout you slow down on that honey and milk," I said "how about you mind your own business." she snapped."I just thought that you should calm down. That's almost five tablespoons of Honey, and that is a lot of sweets. I don't think that it's good for you." "Fine serving boy, if you are so worried about the flavor profile of my meals, get me some cookies." she waved me away. Sighing, I grabbed some cookies from the kitchen. They were for the King's feast, but there was no problem with giving a little to the girl. Besides, she probably was some noble's daughter and would get real upset if I didn't, so I brought her some cookies. I pled them up from a hard shortbread type to the soft risen type that my mother made. I got them to her, doing a quirky little bow."I bring you cookies, your Highness," I said, drawing out my words. "at least you know your place," she said with a huff."That's not very nice to the person that brought you cookies I said; get the plater high above my head."HAY Give me my cookies," she yelled; her face turned into a glare as she hopped up and started jumping to grab the plate from my hands."I don't think I will. You haven't been very nice to me. I don't think you deserve cookies." I said—a long smirk formed on my face."If you don't give me my cookies, you'll regret it." She said in an ominous tone."And what could you do, Shorty? Are you going to tell your dad or let me guess the King that I wouldn't give you cookies before the feast?""Worse, let's end all this hopping around. I think it's your turn." Her eyes rolled into the back of her skull. My heart began to thump. Her round face took on a more defined bone structure, shifting, and her ears no longer human but pointed. I almost dropped the cookies when her eyes rolled back. They were no longer the green before but a stark piercing blue."Leaping and hopping, never quite stopping. A wagging tongue too long to contain no longer cookies and treats but Beatles and bugs. Until a kiss meets your lips from a princess, no less, don't forget true love" With each word, my limbs seem to lengthen and shorten at the same time. Stretching and pulling me back together like I was some sort of rubber band, my tongue spilled out of my mouth. I hunched over into a strange position as though I were about to leap into the air. When it finally stopped, I realized that I closed my eyes, too afraid to look at the world. Looking down, I noticed that I didn't have hands or feet anymore; I was green and sickly looking, but I was also tiny. I looked up to see the woman staring down at me triumphant smirk across her face."Can't hold the cookies above my head now, can you." She said she grabbed a plate from the floor. The Girl sauntered away like nothing ever happened. Because it hadn't to her. For me, I had messed with the wrong person. I hoped to find a lake or something I could live in before I dried out. There was a swamp a couple of miles down, but I can't say how long it would take me to get there at this size. It was my only hope of getting out. If I stayed in the kitchen, I would die. Mother never liked frogs. She most certainly wouldn't want me in the kitchen right now.There was no way I could get out, though. The back door was shut, and the window was much too high for me to reach in this state. I hopped up to the door it hoping desperately to try and catch the handle. Finally, the sticky webbing my" hands "grasped onto the doorknob. I flung my leg back and forth, trying my best to get the handle to move. At one moment, I thought I'd done it. I finally done it. I would get out of the kitchen, and then what. Get eaten by some crocodile in the swamp? I didn't have much time to reflect on the thought. The door flung open, sending me flying into the wall behind it. A wet slap sounded throughout the room, and there I was on the floor. I was looking up at my mother, who at this point was at least 100 times taller than me."I'm going to kill that boy. I told him no more frogs." She muttered. Her foot came eerily close to me. I couldn't move; my heart pumping was the only indication that I was still alive. I watched helplessly as the book came down near me, only to breathe a sigh of relief when all she did was push me out the door just how I wanted."Get out now. Don't worry; my son won't be grabbing you again." She said. Her words released me from whatever held my legs in place. I made my way towards the swamp, making a faster time than I ever could as a human, but I also got tired more quickly. Finally, I reached the swamp that had a well nearby. It was a poor tasting well-meaning not many people ever visited. When I came to the swamp, my skin felt like it would flake off. It was much too dry. I buried myself in the mud, something I see many frogs do in my younger years."I wonder how long it takes mom to realize that I'm gone." I thought allowed, but the words were not what came out with a bunch of croaking noises. I could understand them, but I doubt anybody else could. The sun began to go down, and I realized I had eaten nothing that day. I didn't care my home was the mud of the swamp, and I was completely and utterly alone. Though my eyes itched like I was about to cry, no tears would come out. That was when I saw a girl come out. It wasn't just any girl her brown hair and piercing blue eyes were the same. I wanted to yell out. I wanted to scream, but instead, I watched her. She danced around the swamp, a golden ball thrown up in the air every so often. She giggled and laughed the entire time, not seeming to notice the frog watching in the distance. She crept closer to the well throwing the ball up in the air when I watched it fall into the well. I could hear a faint splash as it fell below."No, my ball!" She wailed, her voice cut the air with a cry. I couldn't help myself. I leapt closer to her finally. I put out my hand, laying it softly upon her shoe."Would you like some help?" I asked, smiling a gummy smile at her."Ewe a frog, what do you want?" Her face pulled up in a sneer."I can get your ball back for you," I said."You can." She said, her eyes lighting up. I wasn't going to let her off the hook that easy. She did change me into a frog."Yes, but for a price.""Anything little frog anything.""Anything I can go back to the Castle with you, you will let me eat from your plate, and you let me sleep upon your pillow," I said, an evil plan forming in my mind."Of course, anything you want, just get me my ball back," she said, rushing me."As you wish, your highness, can you put me into the well real quick I'll be right back." Her hands picked me up delicately before tossing me into the well like I was some sort of vermin, which I guess I kind of was. I swam to the bottom of the well. It wasn't very deep so that I could get the ball to the surface pretty quickly."Grab the bucket down. I can put it in there, and you can get it out." the bucket hit the water with a resounding splash, the splintered wood rubbing up against the tip of my nose like sandpaper."Careful, you could have killed me." I yelped"I am sorry." She said, and it sounded like she meant it. I tossed the ball into the bucket, not realizing it was almost the size of the bucket. There is no way that I could fit. I climbed on the ball only to find the sticky pads of my feet couldn't quite grip."It's good to pull the bucket up. You will have your ball." I said the bucket moved rapidly to the top of the well and disappeared over the lip."Send the bucket down so I can get out of the well," I said, but there was no response, and the bucket never came down. The girl had left me in the bottom of the well with only one way to get out, to climb the well wall. It took me hours to get out of the well, and even then, I still had no idea what I was going to do."I couldn't take her on her word. Still stuck in this stupid swap, and what am I going to eat bugs!" I muttered. The very thought of eating the bugs had me gagging. Left with no other choice, I leapt back towards the castle. Reaching the gates just as the sun was coming up, I saw two familiar guards."Jake, it's me," I said. Surprisingly Jake looked down. His eyes filled with fear."Josh, why can I understand a frog?" He said, his voice shaking"I don't know but, I understand him too. It better not be those mushrooms mom picked. Not again." Josh said."It's me, Chris, from the bakery, and I got turned into a frog by a brown haired girl," I said"Chris, we have been looking for you all night," Jake said."Could you find the brown-haired girl for me? She owes me something." I said"she turned you into a frog. If she wasn't interested before, she is definitely not interested now." Josh said."I'm not an idiot. She owes me something." I said"fine, but it's your funeral." Josh waved me off, going inside the castle. He was in there for a long while before coming running out of breath and bright red."You're never going to believe this." He said,"what?" I asked"that girl you're talking about is a visiting King's daughter.""So I'm never going to get what was promised.""That's the funny thing. I explained the situation to the girl's father. He wants to see you right now." He said, picking me off the floor and running down the hall. It took a couple of minutes to find the King again."Here you are, your Majesty, this is the Frog." He said, tumbling down on one knee. "I'm sorry to hear what my daughter has done to you, but I must ask what was promised?" The King asked."your Majesty, I helped her get her golden ball out of a well. In return, I was promised her companionship." I said"Very well, you shall have it." The King said, with tired eyes and his shoulders slumped."Call Martha in." The King said, rubbing his face. After a few minutes, the girl came in. No longer was she dressed in anything but finery. "yes, Papa," she asked in a sickly sweet tone. Her eyes fluttered in a way you could tell it was well-rehearsed. Despite the almost intuitive nature of it, the King still melted in her presence."This frog says that you promised that he could be your companion." The King said."I did, but, but he's a frog papa, and you know how little I like frogs.""Yes, I do, but you know the law, and I would hate for it to come down on you." He said, his jaw Taught. "But Father.""Don't, But Father me, young lady, you know what happens to our kind that doesn't keep their promises, and I won't lose another. Be kind to the frog. He is your new companion," He said, storming out of the room leaving me with the girl."Hello Martha, it is nice to meet you formally. My name is..." "That's Princess to you. I don't care for the name of a frog, so listen up, we are stuck together, but I don't have to like it." "of cores, not princess," I said with a sly smirk. "follow quickly, little frog. I have much to do today." She raced down the hall, not even looking back to make sure that I was behind her."princess, you are going faster than I can hop, "I huffed out. It was only then that she glanced back, her eyes like ice."I think that means that you can't come with me. It would be best if you waited in the sitting room. I will come back to pick you up." She said with a glint in her eye."But princess, I am your companion. I can't leave you alone for too long.""What would you suggest, Frog.""How about you carry me.""What! no, If I carry you, I could get warts or poisoned or something.""princess, you have gloves on. I don't think any of that can happen." "Fine, but know that if I get warts that I will make sure that your life is hell." "you already did," I mumbled as she picked me up. "what was that.""nothing, princess, just me noticing how pretty your hair is." I lied through my gums. She almost dropped me, pulling all of her hair away from her face."you are not touching my hair." she seethed. "I didn't mean it like that, princess. It's just so pretty in the light it casts a nice hazy halo around your face," I said. "be quiet. Are all frogs as talkative as you are," she asked, holding me far away from her body."I won't know princesses as far as I know. I am the only frog that can talk." I looked back to see a soft look forming on her face."Fine little frog, you can accompany me where ever I shall go, but I demand that you not get in anyone's way." I was dragged to every lesson that she had that day."frog, it is time for lunch." She said, picking me up. She wasn't holding me as far away from her body as she was before but still kept me away from her fancy dress."Oh, what are we having," I asked, remembering that I hadn't eaten anything scents the day before."I am having cake and, you, while I thought you would be eating flys or something," she said "I have never much cared for flies. You can't have cake for lunch. What are you having? I would like to try a plate of that.""I can have cake for lunch, and if you are having what I am having, you will have cake too." She said "cake is not a real meal, and you can't be getting all of your nutrients without some fruits, vegetables, and meats."Carrot cake jams and cookies these are well rounded enough." She said."What if I eat half an apple? Will you eat the other half?" I asked."Fine, but only because the other half will go to waste," she said. Every day she ate with me, and every meal, I convinced her to eat a different vegetable. However, I don't know how she was able to eat a cookie or cake with every meal. she started to warm up to me, even offering to have the tailor make me a suit for her upcoming ball."I am so excited to go to this ball with you, princess, but why do I need a suit to go.""Because little Frog, you are with me a princess, and if I show up with a frog, I will be the laughing stock, at least if you are in a suit; they will just think that I am crazy.""But princess, if I get in a suit, it could take all of my moister away, and I could die," I said "You won't die. Come on, just wear the suit. Nothing will go wrong," she said "fine, but you have to eat a whole appel at dinner today," I said, smirking."Fine." she sighed. The night of the ball, I put on the little suit hopping around the princess. I could feel the suit wicking away my moisture by the second, but when the princess smiled at me, it no longer mattered."you look handsome little frog," she said, picking me up and placing me on her shoulder."And you look, beautiful princess," I said. I meant it. Her hair was piled high on her head, pulled into a neat bun, and the dress she wore looked lovely, accentuating her figure nicely."I don't know how much weight that holds with a frog, but I will take it." She said, sending a ping through my heart. That had been happening more and more lately. "We had best get to the ball don't want to miss out on all the fun," I said. She walked down the hall quickly when we reached the room. It was filled with many people who were dressed similarly, all chatting and having fun. When I looked at the princess, I noticed that she wasn't looking up."Princess, don't worry. I will hide in the corner if it makes you feel better." I said, surprising myself."Do you mean it," she asked."I do," I said, hoping of her shoulder landing with a thunk "Have fun, princess," I said. I got to the corner with no trouble. I noticed that I felt incredibly itchy and hot."EW a Frog." I heard a woman say."Why is there a fog in the ballroom, and why is it wearing a suit." "Never mind, kill it.""Don't kill my Frog." the princess said, jumping in front of me.""I always knew she was a freak." one of the girls said."She is not a freak," I said, the world beginning to spin."FROG doesn't frog." the princess said "Martha, I am going to be ok," I said, my eyes feeling like lead."Fro...." I didn't hear anything, but I felt a kiss on my forehead. Then the familiar sensation of things rubberbanding between longer and shorter. My skin noler fet slimy or dry."FROG, you didn't tell me you were human," Martha said, her arms wrapped around me, constricting me like some sort of viper."I.. Am...Sorry, can you please let go... I need to... Breath." Her arms released me. "We need to talk," She said, dragging me out of the ballroom. "You never told me you were a human frog." She tapped her foot impatiently."I thought you knew you were the one who put me in this state." I chuckled."That does sound like me." She said, mumbling to the floor."I'm just glad that I get to be human again. Princess, I have one last request.""Frog, before you do that, I want to tell you I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you that you deserved it, but in all actuality, you didn't me turning you into a frog was just the combination of the bad day and bad timing.""I don't accept your apology," I said, her shoulders slumped, her eyes not reaching my gaze."Oh.""I don't accept your apology because becoming a frog has proven to be one of the best things that has ever happened to me. If I hadn't become a frog, I would never meet you. I would never learn how beautiful your smile is. I would've never known that there was somebody as sweet as that appetite she has beneath that cold exterior. Princess, no Martha, I love everything, from how you laugh to your obsession with sweets. Will you marry me." I asked, getting down one knee looking up at the most beautiful girl in the world. Instead of answering me, she rushed into my arms."Just know that if you ever die again, I'm going to kill you. I'll marry you," she mumbled into my arms. I have my princess, and she has me her frog.

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