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I looked at my beautiful daughter, my beautiful sweet daughter. It was not my daughter staring back at me. Her pupils had been dilated scents last week, her arms covered in scratches. No, this was a girl almost spirited away by the fay. I could only see addiction in her eyes because that was all that was left of her.

"Mother, you didn't see him. His eyes were like gold, skin blue and scaly, and his hair silver as the moon. Mother, why do you keep me in this Cage? Why do you keep me from my one true love?" She begged, her nails digging into my calves. She hadn't seen the monster that she'd fallen in love with; no, she'd seen an illusion piece of trickery. The man she'd been with that night was not a man but one of the Fey A Nyx. A type of water demon that would drag unsuspecting females into the depths of a lake. Hypnotizing them into thinking they loved them before either killing them or keeping them as some sort of breeding tool.

"Rapunzel, you don't understand that creature doesn't love you, and he never will. He can't. I'm keeping you here for your safety just until the magic wears off. Just long enough that I can be sure that you wouldn't walk into a random puddle and drown yourself." I argued it was almost unconvincing even to me keeping her in this tower was the only way I could think of to keep her safe and out of trouble. She always had a habit of getting mixed up with the fay. Every time she did, I took her into the woods and hid her amongst this tower. It was for her protection, of course, but she never quite saw it that way.

"But mother, there's no spell placed on me this time. I love him, and he loves me. I want to go live under the water with him." She said even as she said that her eyes were dilated, her cheeks Rosie and red, she didn't look like herself, sure signs of Nyx magic. I was a witch; I had to know these things for the protection of me and mine.

"That's what you said when the unsealing court took notice of you, Rapunzel. I know you think you're safe but that the fey has wanted you since the day you were born. They're going to try and kill you to take you away to their land where I can never see you again." I said, refusing to budge on my stance.

"Maybe I don't want to see you anymore." She growled, getting into a defensive stance, looking closer to a wild animal than the 19-year-old girl I had raised.

"Rapunzel, you are upset right now, and I understand that you are under magic, but you can't say that to me. I am your mother, and I love you. I'm going to protect you any way I know-how. The only way I know how right now is to keep you away from the Nyx." Tears pricked at the back of my eyes. My voice wobbled, but I refused to give, and I couldn't give in. I'd never see her again, and she would be dead. I couldn't let my Rapunzel go that way. The Rapunzel who's hair I had braided scents she was small. The Rapunzel who refused to get a haircut despite how long her hair was getting. The Rapunzel who I kept smiling with all throughout her good days, her bad days, and even days my Rapunzel had fallen in love with every fey she meant.

"Mother, I want to be alone right now." She said, and that was all she had to say. I gave her space as much as I could. Because even if I couldn't give her the one thing that her heart truly desired, I could give her room to give her a happy life.

"I'll be back in the morning. I love you, my dearest." I said I didn't receive any answer, and I didn't expect one. She was under the spell of the Nyx.

"Rapunzel, if you want me to leave, I need to let your hair down," I whispered.

"I could always just push you out the window." She mumbled.

'This is bad, really bad. Most of the time, when Repunzel gets spelled like this, she still has some semblance of who I am. she Normally remembers me and how much she loves me, but this Nyxie is particularly strong. It's like the only thing that matters to her is him and his love.' I worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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