Hades and Persephone 2?

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"she said yes. Let's go." Persephone said out of breath.

"fine, let's go. Just remember that this won't be like home." I sighed.

"don't worry, your cute butt. I will keep it serious," she said with a cheeky grin.

"Okay, you need to stop that." I pulled her into the chariot.

"Stop what?"

"We both know that your mother hates it when you flirt with me."

"who says I am flirting hansom."

"...no one would think that you held a knife to my through with how you are talking," I mumbled.

"I wouldn't hold another knife to your throat." She laughed, patting me on my cheek.

"You know I don't like being touched, little nymph," I grumbled, secretly enjoying the affection she showed me.

"You know you like it when it comes from me. Get a move on. I want to see the underworld.""As you wish, nymph," I said, smacking the reins in mere moments we were at the gates of hell. There was a long line of humans backing up the place, waiting to get judged. It wasn't long before three heads popped up. Cerberus came bounding up to me, his tongue lolling to the side on two of his heds. It was dark, so I really couldn't tell you what color he was, just that he loved me.

"This is the underworld, Persephone though I don't quite understand why you wanted to see it so bad," I said.

"That's the thing, Hades darling I just wanted to get here. You are merely my ride, but as my thanks, I'm going to lock you up with me forever." She said.

"What are you doing?" I asked, but it was too late already. It was wrapped in vine after vine, and no matter how quickly I killed them, there was still more waiting to wrap me up again."Don't you worry, handsome, you'll find out soon?" She said that's when I saw what was in her hand. Pomegranate wine. However, it didn't mean much to humans and meant a lot to God. When two gods drank it, they were wed. No, if and or buts, no one had even to see them drink it because once it was consumed, the two souls would converge.

"Persephone, I don't know what you are thinking of doing with that, but this is rash, and you need to stop before it gets too late," I said, trying my best to appease her.

"Hades, I don't think you understand. If there's one thing I've learned from my mother, it's that we keep the things we love close. Even when they want to run away." She said, throwing her head back and gulping down the wine—the red liquid dribbling her cheeks slipping down her neck before I could no longer see it. After what seemed like forever, she let out a loud gasp taking air just as greedily as she did the wine.

"Your turn." She singsonged at me.

"You don't want to marry me, Persephone. The world above is a much brighter place, and I can't give you what you need." I said calmly, trying to keep her away from anything to get that craze glint out of her eye.

"Oh, but I do. You see, unlike mother who couldn't keep a man around even if she tried. I intend to keep you all to myself." She said, her hand pushing against the vines on my chest."Persephone, I don't know what you're expecting from me, but...."

"I expect you to love me." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"You barely know me, Persephone, and while you're attractive..." At those words, she smashed her lips to mine. I wish I could say that I somehow pushed her way or that I hated every second of it. In truth, my heart pounded. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and forget everything else. For a moment, I did. Even as the pomegranate juice slipped from her mouth to my coding our tongues in the sweet taste of pomegranate, I couldn't find the strength in me to push her away even as the vines slipped down my ankles. Instead, haze came over me as I pulled her closer, trying to tell her that even though we just met, we still burned for one another. Even as our lips reluctantly parted, I craved yet another kiss. I tried to drag her back in, but the vines snapped back on my wrist, preventing me from reaching for that sweet kiss.

"I hope you know this relationship won't be like Zeus or Poseidon." She said, a wild grin upon her face. When my mind clicked back together, this was a mistake Demeter would kill me, Zeus would kill me, Poseidon would kill me. All heads of God's clan would kill me. Taking a wife from another clan was bad enough to be hung or worse. But this was full-on kidnapping according to our laws. Demeter has always been overprotective of her daughter. I knew that even as a child.Even as each thought passed through my mind, I couldn't bring it within myself to let go of the woman that stood in front of me. From her cocky grin to how she hummed melodies in her garden, I knew she was mine. my nymph.

"Do you understand what you've done, little nymph?" I asked.

"Glad to see you are not as angry as I thought you would be. Of course, I understand. I'm not stupid. Even mother couldn't hide me from the ancient rituals. Little did she know that it would be my escape, your just the icing on top, if you will, almost better than the cake, actually."

"And how do you expect to stay here when Zeus decides to kill me along with your mother and along with every other God," I said, raising my voice.

"I have a plan." She said

"and does not plan to include my head on a pike. I don't think you understand, little nymph. I'm going to die because of this. For as much as your mother is concerned, you've been kidnapped, and I know you weren't alive to remember this, but the last kidnapping ended in the Kronos dead on a plater, and I don't expect your mother to ask for anything less. Maybe if you had waited, we could've arranged something."

"Waited for what? Mother to demand I go home in a month. You aren't going to die, not if I have anything to say about it. You underestimate me, darling."

"Waited for me to ask for your hand something." I said,

"you are going to ask for my hand... a little too late. But Sweet." She said.

"What's this plan you have? I'd rather keep my neck attached," I said, sighing, knowing that this was the first of many battles I'd be losing.

"I have blackmail and lots of it. They'll leave us alone if they know what's good for them." She said.

"Unless you have blackmail and Zeus himself, I doubt that this is going to get anywhere," I said, noticing the twinkle in her I had gotten even brighter.

"You don't... You Do?"

"Only the best for my relationship. face it, you're stuck with me, darling, forever." She said.

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