Teaser and apology

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Sorry folks, I had a computer difficulty this week and lost half of the chapter to it. So instead, I am going to give you a snip of what is to come. The next chapter should be up by Sunday evening.


The flowers had been just as colorful something was different about them. The air was slicker, reminding me a touch of home. Even the smell was strange compared to the rest rather than the sickly sweet scent of flowers, the air taken on a musty dark and even dare I say a putrid edge to it.
I found myself feeling almost at home. It wasn't home. It was still too bright to colorful, and too sunny for me, but there was something almost familiar. I sat down upon a makeshift bench beneath a tree. My eyes drew down, listening only to the steady beating of my heart.
Not even the birds chirp here.
"What are you doing in my garden?" A chilling female voice asked. I peeked my eyes open to see a young woman standing in front of me.
"I don't believe this is your garden nymph as I know the owner. So if you wish to keep that pretty head upon your neck, I would recommend leaving me in peace." I said, closing my eyes.
"More like leaving you in pieces." She said she wasn't standing across the Glenn anymore, not if the sharp edge at my throat had anything to say about it.

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