Beauty and the beast p3

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It's been nine months since she came. It's been the best nine months of my life, I swear. Even as my limbs felt weak day by day and my breathing became more ragged, all of it was overshadowed by the way my heart raced when she smiled at me. I could feel my mortality slipping out of me. I had lived long since excepted my death, I found myself wishing wanting to spend just one more day with her. It was one of those days when my thoughts were consumed by her, was when I heard a loud pounding on the door.
"Open up, beast." A voice shouted behind it was a male's voice. I slowly kicked the door open, hiding behind it at the same time, not wanting to be confronted by it just yet. I didn't want to die; I didn't want Beauty to worry. I just wanted to spend what was left of my time with her.
"Beauty!" The man called out, trying to summon Beauty to him.
"William, what are you doing here?" She asked, her eyes wide with astonishment.
"Beauty dad is dad is sick really sick we don't know how long he has left or how long he will have left I was sent to come to get you to say goodbyes." He said.
"I'm not going back, William." She said, crossing her arms, her voice taking on a cold edge that I had never heard from her before.
"What you mean you're not coming home?" He asked
"I'm not coming home. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You know what, I know it. all that me going back is going to do is cause me nothing but pain and strife." She said
"but it's dad. He could be dying." He said
"don't joke around me. We both know how dad is. He will be fine in a week. He caught some plague last year if you don't remember." She said.
"But this time serious, he hasn't been able to get out of bed, and he barely eats." He said
"if I go back, it won't be forever." She promised. Glancing at me.
"the beast doesn't matter in this." the man said, stoping up to her getting in her face. I growled out, stepping in front of her blocking the man from getting any closer.
"The Beast does matter. I know you don't care to remember Mom, but I care to remember her rules, and not breaking promises is the one she cared for the most." At these words, the man stumbled back, gaping like a fish for a few seconds.
" I will give you a day to get your things in order. I'll be in the town just off the outskirts of this place." He said, his voice taking on a defeated tone.
"You do that."
"You should visit your father. It sounds. Serious." I said.
"I'd rather not."
"And why not? I asked
"that place is not a happy place for me. I did all of the work around the house, and when anybody got sick, they came to me. Sure, I miss my family, but I don't miss the reliance they had on me over-reliance they had on me rather."
"Beauty, if this is for me. Don't worry, I'll be okay. Just go." I said,
"Beast, if I leave, I'll be back in two months. If I'm not, come find me." She said. Not realizing that in two months, that would be the last day that I'd have with her.
'It's time not to be selfish told myself.
"Of course, Beauty, hurry home catch up with your brother if you'd like. You can take another chest of gold just to help them out," I said.
"You need to worry about that Beast. We had enough to stabilize our family home for years to come. Keep your gold. I will be home soon." She said, reaching up and putting a gentle kiss on my snout. She rushed out the door but not without glancing behind with a wide smile. Leaving me to mourn the loss of all human contact.
You never realize how much you rely on another person not until they're gone, at least. I ended up making two meals every night last six weeks. I stared at the last pedal, just waiting for it to fall the last night of my life. I sat in the garden, one of Beauty's favorite places watching is all the roses slowly turn from bud to death.

It was beautiful in a morbid kind of way. As the petals fell to the ground, new flowers would sprout quickly, leaving the thick blanket of red across the garden. I could feel my eyes grow tired and too heavy for me to keep open as I fell asleep I knew this be the final time that I ever see a rose. I could feel my heart reaching out, begging for Beauty to be there.
' I've done the right thing it is with her father, probably experiencing the last moments with him. It's better that she's with him anyway, somebody she actually cares about. I just wish it didn't have to happen the same time as I leave this world as well.' I thought as my body seemed to be enveloped in the thorns despite nothing touching me.
It was too bright, far too bright. I grumbled, my voice coming out human?
"Beast, your awake." A female voice said. I opened my eyes. In front of me stood Beauty.
"Beauty, you here, but how I thought you were with your father, I thought that you weren't coming back," I said.
"I would come back sooner if you tell me that you are going to lay down and try and die in the rose bushes." She said, allowing me to finally notice the red tears streamed cheeks. I reached out and embraced her holding her close, finally seeing that my arms weren't covered in fur.
"Beauty, am I a beast still?" I asked.
"Arthur, you were never a beast. I mean, you were a beast, but you were my Beast." She said, holding me close

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