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Everything about this lamp is a curse. Even The design of it, It's nonfunctional, rendering it nothing more than a pretty paperweight. The paint that gives it such brilliant hues flakes off and poisons the user. Then there's me. I'm the thing that grants wishes, but in all reality, I'm here to ruin the Masters' life. Every couple of centuries, somebody gets it in their head to find the lamp, and every couple of centuries, I am to grant three wishes. Or rather, I am to bestow three curses upon humanity. An old grandfather clock chimes awakening me from my deep slumber. I'm sucked through a pinprick hole, smashing my insides altogether before clicking back into place. I looked around. I didn't see anything new it was the same cavern it had always been—mountains of gold surrounding diamonds and jewels. Things that mortal men would die to have. The men never left with just diamonds, gold, or gems. No, they always came after this lamp. I looked the man up and down the one that it summoned me. His hair was dark, his eyes a chocolatey brown, his skin golden, and for the first time in what felt like a millennium, I could feel my heart race. Forcing the blush from my cheeks down, I recited the age-old passage."Master, I bestow upon the three wishes no more, no less how may I serve you," I said"master, I am nobody's master. I'm just some poor peasant boy from the countryside." He said his voice was earthy and rich, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't tell if I was acting like this because an attractive man picked up the lamp for the first time in a long time. Or if I was just utterly indescribably lonely."You are the one who rubbed the lamp, or is there someone else in this cavern with you," I asked coolly."I was alone.""Great! Then we can get right down to business. You get three wishes, and on those three wishes, you have three rules. One, I can't bring back anyone from the dead, two, I can't make anyone love you, and three, I cannot give more wishes." I said."Okay, no bringing people back from the dead, no love, and no extra wishes." He said."That's right. Get right to it. What exactly is it that your heart desires." I asked the faster this man made his three wishes, the faster I could get back to my lamp and not worry about the outside world for another 3 to 400 years."Well, there's this girl." My heart sunk to my feet at his words."I already told you I couldn't make them love you.""That's not what I need you see this girl a princess, and as stated before, I'm a peasant. I know she could love me if I just was able to be with her." He said."So what you need is access." He nodded at my words."What's the wish a secret tunnel into her room? No, wait, let me guess to be a prince? Someone who could sweep her off her feet." I said"that's exactly what I need, genie. I wish to be a prince.""Your wish is my command," I said'even though you're a jerk who didn't even bother to ask my name, calling me genie why I never.' The power tingled in my veins, moving from me to him. It didn't take much power to make somebody a prince, especially not one from a poor no nothing country."I don't feel any different, genie.""Of course you don't. You haven't gotten your wardrobe yet, and you're only a potential ruler of a couple of hundred people." I said"thank you, genie," he said with a smile that turned my legs to jelly. 'stupid good-looking jerk,' I thought."Do I need to the wish for a new wardrobe?" He asked."Of course not your a Prince. And what would a prince be without money." I said, gesturing to the drawstring bag at his waist."No one will believe that I am a prince with these clothes. At best, they will think that I am buying for a wealthy noble, but I can expect to be hung for theft at worst."'dam, I could listen to that voice all day, no snap out of it, Eleni. He is cute, but he is in love with another girl, and let's face it after the three wishes are up, you will go back into that lamp like you always do.' I chastised myself. "I have given you away in what would you like for your second wish, master," I said just a touch too quickly. "You know, gene, you are much cuter than I thought you would be." 'there's that smile again.' I thought my face is probably resembling an apple."Master, I thank you for your kind words but wouldn't you like to make your wishes quickly and get everything your heart desires," I asked. "That's the thing, Gene. I already have the stepping stone to the one I love, but I don't need any of my other wishes right now.""Understood. I'll go back to my lamp." I said."Genie, you don't have to be so... stiff with me.""Of course, master," I said"you don't need to. My name's Aladdin. Can I get yours?" Yeah"Eleni. Though I don't see why that matters.""Of course, a pretty girl's name matters." My head snapped in his direction.'breath in and out being called pretty doesn't mean that he is in love with you.' I thought "I think I will go to my lamp after all," I mattered. "Genie, wait!" He said, grabbing my arm. I turned around only to find him a whisper away from my lips. His hands warm my skin, setting me alight. I haven't felt another skin in almost 1000 years, but the warmth of his rough hands sparked something in me, something I hadn't felt before.'If only he would choose me.' I thought"genie, before you go, you tell me what women like." He asked, shattering my heart into 1000 pieces. Shaking off the crestfallen state, I smiled."Women like to be romanced. They like gifts. They like to be looked at like they're the only ones in the world. They like it when men listen, but most of all, they like it when men pay attention." I said before squishing myself into the lamp.TWO Wishes Left Crackle. Pop, and I was home. The lamp is not a big home. The walls curving in words create the illusion of an even smaller space. There's not much in it either, just a bed and a small table. That's all genie needed. We didn't need hobbies; we didn't need thoughts of our own. All genie needed to do was grant wishes for the master.It was a long while before Aladdin called on me again.This time though, I was ready for his glistening smile and sparkling eyes."Master, you called," I said."Genie, I wish to be a rich man." He said."Your wish is my command." The magic rushed through my veins as gold and jewels pool at our feet."Is that all you wish for, master?" I ask, hoping that it wasn't expecting that is one more wish I could go back to my lamp. With one more wish, I'd never see him again, and I would be free of this feeling."Genie, genie, are you okay." He asked. It was at that moment that I noticed my hands were shaking face was wet. No matter how much I thought I wanted to be around Aladdin, I still crave his presents."Of course, I am fine. The wish just took more out of me than I thought." I lied."Then you should rest. I will call upon me when I need you... And genie, thank you." He said as I swirled back into my lamp.My knees hit the floor, creating a sickening boom across the lamp. My throat burned at the same time my lungs craved air. With heaping sobs that rattled to my bones, it felt like I couldn't breathe as though I was sucking all of the air in my lungs for not. And for what? A boy wouldn't even remember my name when his wishes ran out? A boy with a friendly smile and pretty eyes? Or daydream that would never take the time to love me?That's the problem with infinite power; I'm not allowed to make my own wish. I couldn't even tell if I fell for his charming smile or if anyone could have picked up my lamp. There I sat, wallowing in the misery of knowing that he could never love me. That I would never find companionship, not with Aladdin at least, Not while I was a genie. ONE Wish Left I paced the lamp over and over again. If I could answer my wishes, I would be out there finding my place in the world. Sitting in a tavern talking with the barkeep giggling as I make new friends and possibly a lover... I saw Aladdin's face flash in my mind. After a long while, Th lamp spat me out again, only this time it wasn't the handsome young man who called on me. It was an older man, his eyes worn with age, his hair not quite completely gray with speckles of black. wrinkles formed his skin like a crumpled up fabric "Genie, for my final wish, I wish for the safety of this country." He said, telling me everything I needed to know. Aladdin had aged while I sat in the lamp, not the young man I had known him to be but a tired old man. "as you wish, Master," I said, nodding my head, and it was so. Aladdin disappeared, and I faded back into my lamp. Tears burned my eyes, falling down my cheeks like acid rain. I would never see Aladdin again, not that it matters because I wouldn't even see people for the next 3-4 hundred years. Aladdin would have long turned to dust, and I have returned to the cave of wonders. Everything about this lamp is a curse, even for me.

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