Disciples and Dance Moves

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A/N: So on top of the previous chapter dream thing, I had this dream and another which is so short, I'm just going to say it in one sentence: I played chess wiht my brother and won. XD


I was at Bair Lake Bible Camp for their Winter Blitz (which is so much fun btw), and Tomme Profitt was giving a sermon about how the disciples followed Jesus.

"So yeah! Actually, there's a couple of girls, and they try to do the exact same thing I do. Like, normally I would just be walking, but now I'll randomly strike out a dance move just to see if they'll do it. Where are they?" he said.

Everyone began to laugh as he did a little dance and the couple of girls imitated him.


Then I woke up.

A/N: I think the dream was funnier in my sleep. -_- oh well! So it's kind of weird, but two girls from my church who, I think are both in 7th grade, have a 'crush' on Tommee Profitt... and he's already married. -_- like whattttttttttttttt?

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