Meeting Shredder's Daughter and Wife

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It was a nice, warm, sunny day, the sun just beginning to travel to the other side of the world, and for some reason, I was playing in some mud while my mom was watching. We were at the park in the subdivision I live in. Then when I was done playing, I wanted to paint. My mom told me to wash my hands first. Instead of going home to wash my hands, which would have only taken 5 minutes to get there and back, I thought it would be a great idea to walk to the competition dance studio that I formerly went to. It would take... maybe half an hour to get there and back, but whatever!

So I began the trek towards the studio, keeping in mind that I didn't know exactly how to get there even though I had been going 6 days a week for 4 years. I know, I'm super unobservant when it comes to these things. I waited for the traffic light. While I was there, a girl and a woman were standing next to me. They began to introduce themselves... as the Shredder's daughter and wife. O_o

I found out that I was heading to the same exact place as they were: the dance studio! So we walked together. The directions were getting cooky. We were passing highways and everything. But of course, in my dream, that was how we got there. When the studio was in sight, the land around it looked different. The only way to get there was by carefully walking down a steep, nearly vertical grassy hill that led down to a narrow path hovering dangerously over a large gorge that seemed to have no bottom. If you fell, you were a goner. But alas, I had to wash my hands so I continued on.

When we reached the very end, Shredder himself greeted us. He reached out his hand to us. "Can you trust me?"

Because this was a dream, and I was apparently extremely stupid, I nodded yes. While Shredder and his family talked, I went to wash my hands. Then after 5 minutes, I told them both that I needed to go back to my mother, who was still waiting for me.

"Do you know your own way back?" Shredder's wife asked.

I fidgeted with my hands. "UHHHHHHHHHHH... not really."

She sighed. "Okay, then my daughter can go back with you," she said.

So I walked back with the daughter.  Surprisingly, there was no cliff this time. I got home quickly and my mom was still there.


Then I woke up.

A/N: Any TMNT fans? :P

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