Building Submarines, Gigantic Sea Creatures, and Eating Food

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A/N: Wow. so it's been a month and I've been too lazy to update. But don't worry! I'm finally here and I did not forget my peeps that are reading this book. Basically, I compiled all my dreams on sticky notes... well not all of them, but just majorish ones. xP anyways...

Oh yeah! I've had this dream 3 times. Only the third one had a different ending. Which is the one I'm publishing on here. ;)


I was just a few years older than I am now, but so much smarter. I was part of a secret agency; the name, I do not remember. We were scheduled to fly across the Atlantic in dangerous wind conditions. As we looked at the beautiful silver helicopter, our commander shook her head.

"Where's the submarine?" she asked.

"Excuse me, mam?" we asked, blinking in confusion.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, if your helicopter crashes, what are you going to do? Are you just going to crash and die?"

"Err... yes?"

"Idiots," she muttered,"change the helicopter into a submarine that could also fly."

"Yes, mam," we replied saluting.

She gave us a curt nod and left the room.

I started working on it right away. Somehow I was able to finish it in a couple of hours. Just as we were going to start testing it, we saw little girls playing in the water; more specifically, the commander's daughters. So she told us to set up while she played with them for a little while. As they were playing, the waves were suddenly very strong and swept one of the girls away. The commander was frantic with worry. She ordered us to search for the lost girl using the submarine. By the time we were submerged under water, she had vanished. Instead, we saw huge sea creatures everywhere. Besides the creepily large creatures, the ocean seemes very calm and peaceful, unlike the choppy waves overhead.

When we got back, the commander seemed... off her rocker. As we walked in, I saw Maddie from Dance Moms. The commander began yelling at her. After a long lecture, she ordered Maddie to do 50 push-ups. By the end of the 50, Maddie had been destroyed on the inside. I have no idea how. Then Chloe from Dance Moms came rushing in, and began to comfort Maddie. I tried to too, but Chloe shoved me away.

Straight away after, Chloe, Maddie, and the commander disappeared. Everyone in the agency were in line for food.


Then I woke up.

A/N: In case any of you were wondering, the first and second time I had this dream, Chloe and Maddie were not in it, and the commander blamed me instead, I was banished, sadly. So yeah! :P OH, and I don't really watch Dance Moms so I have no idea how those two girls were able to sneak themselves into my dream. xP

My Nightly DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon