Let's Hide in China!

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A/N: So this dream was literally from one of the first nights of 2015 lol. I kept forgetting to post this one dream until @Geekomania reminded one of it for one of her interviews. :P Let's give her a 'round of applause! ^-^


It started off first with a young Chinese man who spoke perfect English. He was bringing my two brothers and I to watch a bunch of girls do Chinese dances around a pond with BEAUTIFUL pink water lilies. He pointed out their moves, and taught us about the dances.

Then we hurried to a white-washed house with a 5 stories. We climbed the stairs, the stairway dimly lit by flickering lights. At the third story, we met an woman, maybe around her 50s or 60s. She ushered us in quickly, with a worried look on her face. She only spoke Chinese, which all my family could understand easily, although we were still better at English.

"Do you guys want noodles for dinner?" she asked.

We said sure. She walked over to the kitchen, and put the noodles into bowls for us to eat. While we ate our late dinner, she explained to us that the guards were searching houses for us. We exchanged worried glances. We seemed to be doing well though. The woman had smuggled her three children to Russia so that we could be smuggled into China. Obama was trying to kill us because we were Christians so we pretending to be her children. Our parents had to be constantly cooped up in a small space.

After we finished eating, I began to practice the piano. I stopped when I heard the news the man who spoke English had. Obama was going to try to kill anybody we knew that was living in America. Lucky for us, almost everyone we knew had been smuggled into different countries. Except two. My best friend, and guy best friend.

So we decided on a plan to get them out of danger and to safety. Getting my best friend to blend in with us would be easy since she was Chinese. Getting my guy best friend to blend in was a different story.

So I Skyped them to tell them what was going to happen. Which would probably have been a bad idea if this happened in real life. xP But anyways, our plan was to fake their deaths. It would be pretty easy since World War III was in full swing. One of our friends had a private jet and submarine that was not tracked by the government. He was top secret and his mission at that point in time was to help any Americans threatened by Obama. So yes, World War III was basically the world against Obama, anyone who was with him, and the military. Many people in the military was opposed to Obama's idea, but once in the loop, there seemed no way to back out. My guy best friend was a marine.

It took a little while to get everything set up, but we faked his death successfully. They were both brought to China, with the world thinking they were dead. Of course, alterations had to be made to their appearances, but they were safe for now.

Because,  my guy best friend wasn't Chinese, we decided it would be safest if we got him into Germany. Plans were made, and he was sent off with sorrowful goodbyes.

Before anything could happen...


I woke up. xD

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