The Time I Died Two Times

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A/N: So this one has more action and is a bit wilder. Buttt It's not necessarily weirder than the dream I had before! xP


My family and I were running from a man who was trying to kill us in a church. We ran into a room without closing the door because the doors locked from both inside and the outside. Once inside the room, you could never get out. The man was about to kill us when a man that looked exactly like the guy who was trying to kill us stepped in. They fought with their swords. The good man won and told us he would always fight for good.

Deja vu time!!!!!

It was happening all over again. The man was trying to kill us in a church. We went inside the room without closing the door. But this time, the good man had suddenly turned evil. For he was helping the other man kill us.

But before they struck us, the scene was suddenly whisked away and I was laying on my bed at a sleep over. My brother, his friend and my friend were there, holding onto beautiful blue stuffed tigers and an eraser that had a man's face on it. Apparently we had gone to a zoo or something and had bought them. My stuffed tiger was on my bed but I could not find my eraser. It was 10:00 pm. I finally found it under the couch after searching. But instead of a man's face, mine had fancy blue designs all over it. Suddenly, the house started to collapse. I was crushed underneath and I died.

But then, there was another deja vu. Except everyone had fancy designs on their erasers. I found mine under the couch. On my eraser, there was a fat, ugly blue man staring at me. But I took no notice. I took my eraser and set it next to the stuffed tiger, happy that I hadn't lost anything. I crawled into my bed and lay down. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and quiver. My stuffed tiger and eraser began to rise and glow an eerie blue light. We heard a voice, almost like a choir. It said,"Your royal highness."

Then the house came tumbling down but everyone escaped safely without a scratch. Except the house was in ruins. The sky was a bleak gray. Lasers were all over the place and big robotic monsters were stomping everywhere. My family and I were no longer in pjs. We were wearing a sleek gray jacket and pants with soundless boots. It seemed like the world had been transformed. Suddenly, a police gave a small yelp and started to charge at us. We quickly scattered in all directions. I went into our neighbor's house. Surprisingly, it seemed like a backdoor to our house before it collapsed. I ran towards the stairs. But just at the bottom, I couldn't move. The policeman was gaining on me. Just as he was about to shoot, the invisible force that had held me in their grip loosened and I ducked, running into the living room. Then I swerved around the policeman and ran up the stairs as quickly as I could. I found a band and put it on my wrist. Then I turned invisible. Apparently, my 'suit' had been made of unstable molecules so it would also stay invisible. I held my breath as the policeman quietly came up the stairs and walked into the dark hallway with his gun pointed out ready to shoot. Then I snuck quietly down the stairs and out of the house.

I found my parents and everyone else quickly. My parents had been informed that the people without the gray jackets and pants thought we looked like gorillas and so the police and other fighting forces had been given orders by my stuffed tiger and eraser to kill us. There was a secret hideout of other people like us behind a church. What was left of it were only some church pews, left unharmed. We sat there to catch our breath, since it seemed the safest place. The monsters walked around it and took care not to crush it. But then a policeman, who did not know that he wasn't supposed to kill on church pews, shot randomly because he had some suspicions about us being invisible. His bullet hit me, and blood spurted from my mouth, blood spraying across the ground from my wound. Then I lost consciousness and I died.

Then I woke up from my dream. The end :P

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