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I went over to Jason's house one day when his sister was home on leave. She was still giving Jason a hard time about getting me pregnant. I told her not to worry about it all, but she refused to let it go.

"I just don't understand how this happened!" She said sitting across from me. Jason was sitting on my left. His arm was around me in support.

"Well, maybe if you paid attention in health class, Allie, you would know." Jason remarked sarcastically.

Allie glared at him and fake laughed. "Jason, you're not being funny."

That sparked the memory in my head and I let myself zone out to remember. Jason and Allie continued to argue about nothing in particular as I let myself relive the past.


Kit had dragged me along to the party even though I had no want or need to go. She told me it would be fun and I could gain more social skills. What a best friend she is.

She left me sitting on the couch with an unwanted beer in my hand and an all too in love couple sitting right next to me.

"You know, I never saw you as the people watcher type." He gestured over at the frisky couple now starting to take over the couch. He sat down on the coffee table across from me, smirking.

"Jason, you're not being funny." I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yet, I can see the smile in your eyes." He winked at me. I could clearly tell he wasn't drunk, which was a little weird considering all of his friends were absolutely wasted already.  Maybe he was the designated driver.

I set down the beer I hadn't drank from and sighed.

"What's wrong, Gabe?" He asked me, watching me carefully.  "You're acting different tonight."

I sighed again. "It's just, I never wanted to come to this party in the first place and now I'm sitting here and I just want to go home. Kit completely dumped me for other friends who actually wanted to be here and I'm not having any fun at all." I slouched into the couch throwing up my arms over my head. The couple finally got up to go dance or something so there was free room on the couch.

"You mean you're not having fun with me right now?" He stared at me and raised his eyebrows.

I stared straight back at him with no expression.

"Well, I definitely know how to remedy that." He moved over to sit with me on the couch and sat there quietly. Loud music and voices blasted through the house. It was a strange music in itself.

"Isn't it weird -" I started to ask him.

"Shhhhhh!" He leaned in closer to me still looking forward. "Do you hear that?"

"Is it the cops??" I started to panic even though I hadn't even done anything.

"No, shhhh!" He said again.

"Well, then what the hell do you hear that I don't?" 

He was quiet for a few more seconds before - "It's the Tickle Monster!" He attacked my sides tickling me with no sign of stopping.

"Jason!" I laughed, trying to squirm away from him. "Staaaahhhhhp" I ended up laying on the couch underneath Jason.

"Are you having fun now?" He asked, staring deeply into my eyes as he leaned closer to my face.

"I don't know... I mean I guess so..." Suddenly, I gave into the urge that I had been trying to stop from happening the minute it was created in my head.

Never Leave My Side (A Teen Pregnancy story)Where stories live. Discover now