Chapter 2

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Chapter 2*

Kong Ji squinted at the other party's reply, generally speaking, even if it was a person who he had chatted once, he does not even bother to patronize them a second time. This dating app is used by all people to keep this kind of tacit understanding—an implicit agreement that they're whoring each other out for nothing. If you've had it once, why not find new ones next time? The most important thing is to have a sense of freshness.

But this guy, always give Kong Ji a kind of cautious feeling. Between the words and lines, there is a hint of ingratiation and inferiority, which greatly satisfies Kong Ji's desire to control.

He likes a good, obedient person, whether in or out of bed. A person with soft appearance is especially suitable for him.

Kong Ji retired from the social dating app. He turned to Geng Rui and sent a message. "Are you asleep yet?"

After waiting for a while without seeing Geng Rui's reply. He impatiently sent a second one. "Quarrel again?"

Probably appeased by that strange online friend just now, but then Geng Rui did not reply to him at the first time. This vain sense of disparity made Kong Ji very uncomfortable, so he made a phone call to inquire about it.

The ring tone rang for a long time, and over there Geng Rui said with a little sob: "What!"

Kong Ji's temper to Geng Rui is not all that bad, even the usual rogue temperament has been reduced. Especially when he heard Geng Rui's aggrieved sobbing, he sighed for an unprecedented time.

"Can't you behave yourself? Whenever you fight, you cry? I didn't realize Wen Xiao was so tough that he could scold you to the point of crying."

Geng Rui, who was particularly protective of Wen Xiao, couldn't bear to hear others speak ill of him and retorted: "He didn't scold me! But he yelled at me! He has never spoken to me that loudly before."

"Then—just split." Kong Ji sometimes felt sorry for Geng Rui. Geng Rui stood up as tall as he did, but he was held in the grip of a weak man.

Separation is definitely not possible, Geng Rui can not give up. "Why can't you hope for the best of others? One fight and we have to break up?"

This remark made Kong Ji laugh. "Is it only one time you had a fight? Every now and then, you're arguing, it's not even raining as frequently as you guys quarrel."

"You don't understand," Geng Rui sagged and said, "Relationship is supposed to be like this, who will have it smooth sailing, ah. If you were willing to find someone to try it out seriously, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to say such heartless things."

Kong Ji can't laugh at all. Geng Rui is big-hearted, he has told him many times, blatantly and in clandestine, if Geng Rui really can't get along with Wen Xiao, they can try.

He don't know what kind of sophistry Wen Xiao has put on Geng Rui, but he can make Geng Rui feel attached to him even from across several cities.

He doesn't know why Geng Rui can't help liking someone who's older than himself. Geng Rui is said to be naive, but in fact he was a fool, two or three words of coaxing from Wen Xiao will bring him into a daze.

Is it bad to be the same age? The thing Kong Ji regrets most is taking Geng Rui on a trip to Wen Xiao's city, just like that fucking demon of temptation, he's wicked.

Now that Geng Rui and Wen Xiao are in love with each other. There are still some things he can't say too straightforwardly, Kong Ji's afraid that they won't even be friends anymore.

After thinking for a long time and not knowing how to refute. He heard Geng Rui's surprise voice again. "I'll hung up, Wen Xiao called me."

He didn't even have time to say goodbye, only the busy tone of beeping is left in the phone.

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