Chapter 93

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Ava's POV

"Ava, wake up. Time for school." My dad demanded, opening my door.

I groaned, pulling the covers over my head and laid there for about five seconds.

"Another school year..I can't." I yawned, getting out of bed. I went over to my closet and searched for something to wear.

"Ava, are you up?" I heard my dad ask as he knocked on my door.


''Alright, just making sure.'' He said, walking away from my door.

I decided on a black off the shoulder top and some white skinny jeans. I got dressed and walked over to my dresser, turning on my flat iron. While I was waiting for it to heat up, I applied my eyeliner and mascara.

I grabbed my flat iron and started straightening my hair. After I was done, I walked over to my shoe rack and grabbed my black flats. I slipped them on, taking one final look in the mirror.

I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs for breakfast. My dad walked in, yawning and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Noelle? You excited for your first day?" My mom asked, smiling.

"I guess."

"You're going to like this new school. Plus I'm the aide for your teacher."

"Just don't embarrass her or let mom mode take over." I laughed, pouring some cereal.

"I would never."

My dad and I both looked at each other and snickered. I finished up with breakfast, grabbed my book bag and waited in the car for my dad.

"Ready to go?" He asked, getting in the drivers seat.

"No I just felt the passenger seat was a better change of scenery."

"Smart ass." My dad chuckled, pulling out of the driveway.

"You love me."

"Some days." He laughed.

I fake gasped and placed my hand over my chest. "Father! How could you?!"

"Make sure one of your electives is theater this semester. They could use a drama queen this year."

"Ooh! Quick we are wise one?"

"Indeed! Okay young grasshopper, we're here. Have a good first day and I love you."

"Love you too."

I got out of the car and walked through the entrance, heading to the gym. I reached the gym doors, opening to see freshman and returning students.

"Ava!" I turned around and saw Ebony running towards me.

"Fresh meat." I laughed, hugging her.

"Don't say that so loud! But reunited and it feels so good!" She sang, twirling us around.

"It's too early to be singing! Especially around seniors." Carter joked, joining us.

"Yeah senior citizens like yourself." I teased, kissing his cheek.

"Ooh!" Ebony laughed.

"Sarcastic are we this morning?"

"Pretty much. Don't worry I did it to my dad and then he fired back at me. Come on I need to grab my schedule."

I walked over to the table, picking up the white piece of paper and scanned for what classes I had.

"What lunch do you have?" Carter asked, peeking over my shoulder.

"Sixth, you?"


"What about you, Ebony?"

"Sixth." She smiled.

"Well at least you won't be completely alone. You'll be able to show Ebony the ways around the cafeteria and the best place to sit."

The bell rang which caused everyone to scatter to the doors and spill out into the halls.

"Let's see here, first period I have Health, room 608."

"Civics, room 411."

"First period, P.E?! No!" Carter groaned, pouting.

"Suck it up, lover boy. I'm going to walk Ebony to her first class and I'll see you later."

"I luhh you!" Carter smiled, kissing me.

"Bye dork. Come on, Ebony."

We walked out of the gym and up the steps to Ebony's civics class.

"I really don't want to go in there." Ebony sighed, looking in the scarce classroom.

"It'll be ok and this class is mostly full of freshman so you don't have to worry about upper class men giving you hell."

"I'm already a freshman and hate it here."

"Don't say that and remember Elijah goes here too. Speaking of him where is he?"

"Still on vacation with his family. He told me he was going to miss the first day back."

"Well your man candy will be here and you'll see him everyday. Now I need to get upstairs to Health." I giggled.

"See you at lunch?"

"You bet." I smiled, hugging Ebony and dashed up the steps to the school's six hundred level.

I walked into health and took a seat at one of the desks. As the classroom filled up, my all time favorite person walked in.


"Oh no."

"Ava." He smirked, walking over and took a seat beside me.

"I am not talking to you or after the stunt you pulled at the winter formal."

"Oh come on that's over with. I apologized to you and Carter."

"Yeah after Carter nearly choked you out. Plus you're a senior, this class is mainly for freshman and sophomores so why are you in here?"

"I just need this class so all my courses will be covered for graduation."

"Like you need this class to tell you what happens when a sperm and an egg meet. With your man whoring, perverted ways I'm shocked no one has called you daddy yet."

"I can think of one person who can."

"Say me and I'll replace the fake skeleton with yours."

"This class is going to be fun." Marc smirked, leaning back in his chair.

Out of Carter's friends, I get stuck with the perverted douchebag in health class!

The Mystic's Daughter (Sequel To The Mystic's Gift)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now