Chapter 82

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Jinxx's POV

"You be good, okay. Don't be getting into trouble.'' I smiled, messing up Ava's hair.

''I won't, you have my promise.'' She said.

''You be good too. Don't drive your sister up the wall.'' I chuckled, kissing Noelle's cheek.

''Not making any promises.'' She smiled.

I wrapped my arms around Chantelle's waist and clung to her for dear life. She had her arms wrapped around my neck, squeezing me as tight as she could.

''Call me as soon as you get to the hotel.'' Chantelle pulled back, sniffling.

''That'll be the first thing I'll do.''

''I love you and be careful.'' She pressed her lips to mine and squeezed me even tighter.

''I love you too.''

''Come on love birds!" CC yelled from the bus doors.

I pulled away from my wife, picking up my bags and walked onto the bus. I sat down on the couch and stared at the window, looking at them. For three months I was going to be away from my family, especially when I was needed the most.

Chantelle blew a kiss to the window and I smiled, pretending to catch it. She and the girls waved goodbye to me as the bus started up and pulled away from the street.

''They're going to be ok.'' Ashley said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

''I don't know, maybe I should've stayed home this tour. I'm really worried about this and how things are going to go without me there.''

''Chantelle will handle it and Ava's going to be there to help, don't worry.''

''Yeah you're right.'' I said, giving a small smile.

Ashley patted my shoulder and got up, walking towards the bunks. I turned, facing the window and continued to stare out the window thinkng about this whole mess.

''Nothing ever goes my way!" I whispered, hitting the arm of the couch.

''What?" I turned around and saw Andy standing there.

''Why?! Why does everything always go fucking wrong?! What the fuck did I ever do to deserve this! Ava's starting to go off her rocker, I lost my only son and now Noelle's going blind and may be forever blind! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled, punching the couch.

I buried my face into my hands, sobbing and screamed like a two year old not getting their way. Andy rushed over and wrapped his arm around me, patting my shoulder.

''I don't deserve this and neither does my family, my baby doesn't deserve this!" I cried.

''Jinxx, it's going to be all right.'' Andy said.

''Oh shut up! I'm so sick of everyone telling me that! Chantelle, her parents, mine, just everyone stop with that! It's not all right, it's not all right that my only son is dead, it's not all right for Ava to start giving me and her mother grief or having sex and it's not all right for Noelle to be going blind!''

''You just have to be patient, I'm telling you things are going to get better! I personally don't know what it's like to lose a baby, but I can imagine the pain you and Chantelle still have and that it hurts. For Ava, she's a teenage girl, remind you I have one back at home too.''

''As do I.'' Jake chimed in, sitting across from us.

''They're going to drive us crazy, it's like something programmed into their brains. Believe me, Ebony is already starting to give me and Juliet some attitude, it's just teenage angst.''

''It won't be forever.''

''I know Noelle's condition isn't easy on your family, but right now is the time you need to be strong for your daughter. Not just for Noelle, but for all three of those beautiful girls back home you call family.''

''Yeah, you know we're all going to be there for you guys, you're my brother.'' CC smiled.

''You're a brother to all of us and we're going to be there through the thick and thin!" Ashley said, sitting next to Jake.

''Exactly! Anything you need, we're going to be there for you and your family.'' Andy smiled.

''Thanks you guys and I know Chantelle would gladly appreciate this too.''

''Well we're your family and we're going to help no matter what.''

The Mystic's Daughter (Sequel To The Mystic's Gift)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now