Chapter 7: Skype

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The next night I opened up my laptop, signing on to Skype and sighed as I clicked on Johnny's username. Tonight was the night we agreed to video chat with each other and see where this might lead to. I was sitting at the small table and prayed like crazy my dad and the guys wouldn't interrupt.

I smiled as I saw Johnny appear on my screen and gave him a quick wave. He smiled and waved back, adjusting his screen. He was sitting in his room, moving side to side in his black desk chair.

''Hey! I see you!" Johnny laughed, pointing at me.

''I see you too! So what's up?"

"Not much. I was just listening to some music and now I'm talking to an awesome girl.'' He smiled. I smiled, rolling my eyes and shook my head.

''I'm no where near awesome.''

''You are too!''

''S-So did you really mean what you said yesterday?" I asked, playing with my fingers.

''Me liking you? Yeah, I did. What about you?"

''I like you too, but it was Ebony who asked. She took my phone and took matters into her own hands.'' I laughed.

''Well I'll have to thank her one of these days.'' He chuckled. "Hey! Who's that behind you?" I turned around and saw my dad getting a water out of the small fridge.

''My dad, nevermind him.'' I smiled.

''Yeah! Don't pay attention to me! I'm the ghost dad! Ooooooh!" I face palmed myself as my cheeks turned three shades of red. "Who are you on Skype with anyways?"

''It's Johnny, Dad.''  

''OH! Perfect! I get to meet the boy my daughter met at the concert. Slide over!" I cannot believe he is doing this right now. He sat down next to me and smiled at the computer screen, waving.

''You're Jinxx!" Johnny smiled like an idiot.

''Yes I am and I'm also Ava's father.'' He put his arm around my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze.

''You didn't tell me your dad was a rock god!" Johnny smiled at me.

''He's in! I like him already!"


''Oh, alright, I've embarrassed you enough, I'm leaving.''

''Thank you!" I sighed.

''One more thing I almost forgot! Touch my daughter and I'll stick my foot so far up your ass, you'll have toes for teeth. Goodnight!" My dad got up from the table, snickering and walked back towards the front.

"Oh my god! I cannot believe he said that! I'm sorry about him.'' Johnny laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

''It's fine. He's just looking out for his daughter, my dad gets like that with my older sister. What about you? Got any brothers or sisters?"

''Yes. Just one sister, Noelle who's eight."

''Do you tour a lot with your dad?"

''No. This is the second time I've been on tour. My first tour I was around one, so I hardly remembered it.''

''I bet its crowded on there, huh?"

''With three families, yes!''

''Jeez! How many people are on there!" Johnny laughed.

''There's me, my mom and sister. Jake's wife and their daughter and Andy and Juliet and their daughter. Plus CC and Ashley.''

''Damn! Twelve people on one bus! Where do you sleep?"

''There's a little lounge area in the back where Ebony, Mallory and myself sleep. The wives are in bunks with the husbands of course and Noelle adores CC so she bunks with him.''

''Ebony and Mallory are related to the guys in Black Veil Brides?!"

''Ebony is Andy and Juliet's daughter, she's a year younger than me and Mallory is Jake and Ella's daughter, who is two years younger than me. I'm the oldest at fourteen.''

''So you boss the other two around?'' Hm! If only he knew who gets bossed around.

''Ebony and I are pretty close, we're practically sisters." I smiled.

''Are you close with Mallory?"


''That's cool. But, hey, I'm going to get going to bed, okay?"


''Also I was wondering since last day of tour is tomorrow, do you want to meet up somewhere?"

''Sure, when and where?"

''Afternoon and the tree by the concession stand.''

''The one where we first met?"


''Then it's date.'' We smiled, waving goodbye and signed off from our accounts. I closed my laptop and walked back to the lounge area with a huge smile on my face.

''You got Skype action!" Ebony cheered.

''What?" I asked, coming out of my daze.

''You're smiling like an idiot! What did Johnny say or do?"

''Nothing. We just talked, well he mostly asked questions because my dad made a special guest appearance. He wants to meet me tomorrow afternoon at the tree where we first met him.''

''Awwe! Ava and Johnny sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I picked up a nearby pillow and chucked it at Ebony's head, hitting her.

''You're worse than Noelle!" I laughed, sitting beside her.

''What are you shouting about in here?" Mallory asked, poking her head in the doorway.

''Ava has a date with Johnny!"

''I do not. We're just going to meet up and hang out before we leave for another tour.''

''Oh, well congratulations.'' Mallory gave me a fake smile and turned around, walking to the bathroom. I shrugged off her comment and continued celebrating with Ebony.

What Johnny looks like---------------------------------->>

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