Demon Brothers and Side Characters with their baby

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A/N- Hiya! You got pregnant with their baby(ies)! Well these are loveable demons (and side characters) so they mighttt just have more than one baby with you so if you imagine multiple babies (ah nah, just dozens) pretend they do this stuff with all the babies. Also all the brothers find it difficult to let their brothers play with the baby but are happy too.

Also lol I started saying 'child' instead of baby but guess it is just baby...maybe child version in future?



-He is so happy after his baby is born. Much softer than before and is extra affectionate even in public.

- Starts smiling most of the time, freaking out his brothers and lower demons. During serious situations, such as if Diavolo having guests, he forces himself to have a neutral face. 

-Diavolo forced him to stop working for a long while after his baby was born. When he came back to work, Lucifer continued to work as hard but was allowed home in emergencies with you or the baby. 

-You or him pushes around the baby in a stroller around the Devildom. 

-Very prideful to show off his baby. Lesser demons would love his baby...or else and if they get too close to you or the baby, Lucifer would turn demon and terrify them. Funnily enough, your baby loves seeing Lucifer in his demon form, instead of afraid. 

-Will take care of the messes well and efficiently (he is the understand).

-He prefers the baby to be dressed up in more traditional babywear but gives in and lets you dress them in business suits and even outfits that match Lucifer's. He secretly loves to see them match and lifts up the child to cuddle them.


-Cries when his baby is born (because of how cute they are/how lucky he is) and hugs you before cradling the little one in his arms, still sobbing happily. Every time someone says congratulations, he bursts into tears again.

-Loves you and the baby of you dearly (like he couldn't love you more but now he shows that love to the two of you).

-He had brought the baby a cot and SO MANY baby clothes just as he found out you were pregnant. The store demon person was surprised how crazy he went picking out all the outfits. Of course, later you and him also went shopping so you could choose together.

-Talking about baby clothes-he loves green and gold clothes (eheh Loki) on the baby but every single other colour too. He just wants to spoil the baby!

-Especially loves matching outfits! Also baby likes his demon form (only shown because he wanted to show off) and pokes his dad's wings and horns.

-Rocks baby to sleep for ages because he loves the feeling of the baby in his arms

-With the messes, sometimes he cries but he will clean well since it is his precious baby.

-Has tried to bet using the babies birthday (also your wedding date) because they are such lucky numbers (oh don't worry, he only bets tiny amounts or very rarely despite casino ridicule...until the brothers teach them a lesson).


-You can't stop this OTAKUUUU! Until you tell him you were pregnant. So he died but then revived.

-A terrified otaku watched so much anime about being a dad (just made sure it wasn't the parent dying parts) to prepare. He tried to be supportive during birth and his unconscious body sure made the hand squeezing easy...

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