Chapter Fifteen: Fragile Strength

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(See End of the Chapter for Author's Notes)


"Sometimes, I like to find a spot somewhere you can lie down and look up, and not see the roof of any caverns. The darkness is beautiful, and it goes on forever." - Unknown


Pure had come to two conclusions.

1. He didn't believe that this mantis had the intent of killing him, (anymore).

2. If it did, he was sure it was still too weak to do so. Despite it's wounds having now healed, it was still internally injured, and had lost quite a bit of blood. He would need to bring it to a doctor once they made it to the city.

"Where are we going again?"

Pure looked back at the mantis. He had cut the leg bonds off, since it was draining him to carry it so long. Pure knew they were still a ways away from the City Lift, so it was no use carrying the bug. Besides, he felt safe enough as long as it's arms remained bound.

Not to mention, he had some questions to ask.

"The City of Tears."

"Ah. Right. Another gods-damn city."

This mantis was wearing Pure's patience thin. Their snippy remarks, and attitude were both pissing him off and, weirdly enough, giving him an excited feeling. It was different from arguing with his sister. But it was still upsetting to an extent.

"I have some questions. Will you answer them?" He asked.

"Sure. If you answer mine."

Pure wasn't sure what the mantis could have to ask of him, but he didn't object to the terms. As they continued to walk, Pure began to ask his questions.


"Kahu." They responded. "Yours?"


Kahu mumbled something under their breath.

"What was that?" Pure asked them. He tried to keep distrust from his voice.

"Nothing. Why were you in the 'Queens Gardens' as you call them?"

Pure waited a moment to respond. Should he lie? He hadn't ever tried. It might not be believable. Not to mention, he wanted to stay on as friendly as possible terms with the mantis. He wasn't sure if it was a male or a female, but he knew that mantises were aggressive either way. Probably not the bugs to lie to.

He decided to tell the truth.

"I was visiting someone."

A version of the truth, anyway.

"That dead knight, I assume."

(Dryaa's corpse...)

"Why were you following me, then? If we're asking these questions?" Pure retaliated, stepping over a corpse's shell.

(Poor bug.)

"You were in mantis territory, at least for a while. That's reason enough for any mantis to follow you."

Pure stopped, turned around, and gave the mantis a hard stare. "Another mantis would have immediately attacked me. Why didn't you?"

The mantis glared at him, anger in their eyes as they walked past him.

"I was planning to. I just needed the right moment. You jumped me."

Pure snorted continuing to walk forward, pushing past the mantis to get ahead of it.

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