Skies Unknown

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Dusk fell upon the skies around the Space Elevator as several squadrons approached the symbol of Humanity's achievements. Four F-18s, Four SU-30s, and One F-22 with Three Strikes on the tail. Approaching from the south, however, was four SU-37s, in a black and red color scheme, with the Erusean. Leading was a woman in her late teens. "AWACS, this is Lightning One, of Lightning Squadron. No affiliation. Flight of Four 'Terminators'. It's time to show these drones that they do not belong in the skies."

"This is AWACS Long Caster. Squadrons Sol, Skroll, Striker, and Cyclops will be taking on the drones. Sending you the data link now." Long Caster stated. "Receiving it now. I got them marked as friendly. Following Three Strikes' lead." Lightning Squadron banked hard to the right before accelerating to 'assault' speeds.

After several moments of acceleration, the young woman's headset blared loudly as a drone locked on to her. "Thunder, evade!" Thunder banked hard to the left, popping chaff as a missile flew past. The woman grunted before she heard tone and let loose a AAM which slammed into a support drone for Huggin, sending it down in a ball of flames and metal. "Bandit splashed." The pilot smirked before banking hard to the right, looking for a new target.

"Lightning Two is down! Damnit!" Long Caster cursed before Thunder growled. "Lightning Squadron, focus on the support drones! Leave the two leaders to Three Strikes!" Roger that, Thunder." Lightning Three affirmed before sending two AAMs at another support drone, downing it with the second missile.

Thunder looked at the three aircraft that were in a fight to the death. A SU-30 flew off Thunder's left wing. "Well, what do you think, Captain Nishizumi?" The voice of Wit asked, keeping his plane level. "Well, Wit, if Three Strikes cannot beat those two, then we are royally fucked. He was the one who surpassed Mihaly?" "Indeed."

Thunder sighed before closing her eyes briefly. "Shit..." Who the hell is he? Thunder was broken from her thoughts as a single drone flew right past her wing and dived to the tunnel that lead to the Space Elevator, with Three Strikes and one other fighter following it.

After a tense moment, the aircraft of Three Strikes roared out and above the Elevator. "Lightning Squadron, RTB. See you around, Wit." With that, the SU-37 rolled over before being followed by the remaining two Terminators.

After an hour of flying with darkness covering the skies, Thunder sighed as she looked forward, noting storm clouds. "Lets head into the storm. It will allow us to break most radar contacts. When we are in the storm, break formation and find your way back." The three fighters roared into the clouds before the formation dissolved and each pilot roared through the storm.

Rain pelted the canopy before lightning illuminated the aircraft. Thunder grunted before another Lightning Bolt slammed into the aircraft, seemingly making the aircraft disappear.

In the clouds and sun over the School Carrier Ark Royal, the girls were enjoying a tea party, hosting those from BC Freedom. Darjeeling and Marie were deep in a discussion about philosophy, with the rest intermingling amongst each other. Of coarse, BC students were eyeing each other warily, but with the help of Assam and Rosehip, they stayed civil.

The relative quiet was broken by the distant drone of jet engines. In the air, the single SU-37 flew, with no nation on Earth able to recognize the insignia upon the wings and tail. Thunder groaned as she noted that she was in fact flying. "Damn... don't know where I am, but I need to check one thing..." She looked and starts fiddling with her instruments. Basics, such as elevation, pitch, and heading were operable, hut her HUD was going nuts. "Shit... can't register friends or enemies... Damn."

Thunder gripped her controls before she switched to an open frequency, just as she heard a controller's voice. "This is the ATC of Ark Royal, identify yourself. Failure to do so will result in JSDFAF fighters intercepting you."

Thunder thought for a moment before looking down. Big for a carrier... "This is Captain Chitose 'Thunder' Nishizumi, of the Erusean Navy's Air Arm. Permission to land?" Silence followed for a moment before the answer came through. "Granted, Captain...." Thunder sighed before banking and dropping in altitude to make her approach...

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