Unexpected Visitor

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The airfield of Saunders was abuzz as aircraft prepared to make their trip, with Saunders Squadron doing final pre-flight checks. Chitose, for her part, was familiarizing herself with the controls, seeing how much different they were from Erusean aircraft. "Slightly better responses... hm..." Her gaze fell upon the transport that the Saunders students attending the Nationals, noting the props for engines: C-130J Super Hercules. Said aircraft was busy taxiing to the runway before Samantha walked up. "Might want to get inside the cockpit. We will taxi in a moment."

Chitose nodded before entering the cockpit and closing the canopy, placing the oxygen mask over her face. "Saunders Squadron, prepare to taxi to runway." "Saunders One acknowledges. Alright, ladies. Kick the tires and light the fires!" Chitose sighed before easing up on the throttle, falling in behind Saunders Five, aka Chiyo 'Trigger'.

(A/N: All pilots will be represented by their call signs from this point on.)

Lightning and Demon taxied onto the runway before immediately going full throttle, roaring down the runway, followed by Spiral and Jumper in close formation. Trigger and Thunder taxied onto the runway before the required communication from Tower came through. "Saunders Five and Six, you are cleared for takeoff." "Six acknowledges, let's get this flight underway." The two F-18s rolled down the runway before both Ts raised the nose and lifted into the air, catching up to their escorts.

"Trigger, Thunder, form up on me. The twins are with Demon." Lightning spoke as they  reached their planned altitude. "Roger. Forming on your five o'clock." The two F-18s leveled out before Thunder sighed. "I hate escort missions. Too tied down..."

After several hours of flying in relative silence, the squadron was contacted. "Saunders Squadron and Galaxy One. This is AWACS Windmaker of the JASF(Japanese Air Sensha-do Federation). Heads up! I have picked up a group of SU-30s with Pravda IFFs. Undetermined if they are in an Air Combat or Ground Attack setup. The clouds are making such information, as well as numbers." Lightning chuckled. "Guess they want vengeance against the two schools of the Nishizumis."

Thunder hummed before sighing. "Windmaker, this is Saunders Six. What about the Luftwaffe of KMM, or the Ooraii fliers?" A sigh is heard before Windmaker responded. "Unfortunately, KMM is grounded due to their past failures against Pravda and Saint Gloriana in the air. Ooraii has two F4 Phantoms, but they are no match." "Understood." Thunder sighed as she slightly slumped in her seat. I wonder... if Lightning will mind if I break formation...

The group flew for another fifteen minutes before Thunder cursed. "Fuck it! Breaking formation!" Thunder's F-18 roared as it barrel-rolled before speeding ahead of the formation. "Thunder! Return to format- Ah fuck it! Trigger, with me! Demon, Spiral, Jumper, remain with Galaxy!" The two F-18s rolled over before speeding off after Thunder.

"Damnit! What's up with you, Thunder?" Thunder growled before snapping. "Remember my last name? Windmaker! ETA? on Pravda's Aircraft?" Windmaker's voice came through. "They have two minutes before they enter the AO. You have one, Saunders Six. Hold on... They have a total of Thirty?! Shit! No one can face that! Withdraw, Saunders Squadron!"

Thunder growled. "Negative Windmaker. I've faced such odds before. Trigger, Lightning, stay glued to my ass!" The two F-18s formed up on both of Thunder's flanks as they made mental checks for combat.

"Shit! Saunders Six, what the hell are you doing?!" Windmaker stated. "These are SU-30s!" "I've flown them before! I know their weaknesses!" "Still doesn't mean that you can just face them off in an F-18!"

"Saunders Squadron, take notes, for air combat is unfair compared to Sensha-do." Thunder growled as they entered the AO. "I got radar contact. Shit..." Lightning cursed. "We should pull out. Three against Thirty? No thanks." Trigger merely sighed. "I do not have enough experience in dogfighting. I'm sorry, Nishizumi."

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