Girls, Shermans, Vengeful Psychopaths, Oh My! Pt. 2

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The cafeteria was busy, with students cheerfully chatting and eating the stereotypical food of Americans(burgers are great, fight me), and overall, having a good time. However, some of it died down as Kay practically dragged in an unwilling Nishizumi into the room. "C'mon! You have to be hungry!"

Chitose grumbled before throwing her hands up. "Alright, I give up! Food is food, I suppose! But hell, I need to fly once I eat and get refueled!" Kay laughed before rubbing the back of her head as Chitose grabbed a tray and began to put some choice food on it. "Once we eat, you'll have to wait a few hours."

Chitose looked over her shoulder before sighing. "Why?" Naomi walked up, gather her usual meal. "You will be flying an F-18 to escort our transport to the nationals. Ooraii and KMM will be facing off. Sorry, but an SU-37 can't exactly be seen with a Saunders transport."

Chitose merely scoffed before sighing. "Guess I have no choice. But I want to take a look at the F-18 before takeoff." Kay laughed as the three sat down at a table, with several ladies walking up to the table. "Why is a non-student eating here?" A brunette asked, looking to Kay.

Before the Saunders commander could speak, Chitose hummed. "Simple, your Commander wanted to show me Saunders hospitality personally. And I'm their escort to the nationals." The girls raised a brow before exchanging glances. "And that patch on your shoulders? And the Emblem on your left breast?"

Chitose smirked. "Oh, that? Well, simply put... I am Squadron Leader of Lighting Squadron, 19th Erusean Task Force, the equivalent to the 19th of the JASDF. And the emblem on my breast is the Erusean emblem for all air and and naval aviation members. The 19th was joint task force between the Erusean Air and Space Administration and Erusean Navy. I think I'm more than qualified to escort them."

The brunette frowned. "Really? We are also the escort and we were not informed!" She glared at Kay. Chitose chuckled before smirking. "Well, I guess I'm your special guest, Miss..." "Samantha." "Samantha... What is your squadron's name?"

Samantha hummed before sighing, sitting down. "Saunders Squadron." Chitose merely looked at Kay before snorting. "Like the homage to your home carrier, but very generic. Well, Saunders One, Lighting One will be joining you in three hours." The rest left, but Samantha stayed before leaning forward. "Do you think you can keep up with us? We have beaten Pravda and KMM in the air."

Chitose hummed. "Yes. Because before coming here, I was in a war. I'm pretty sure I can surpass. Can you keep up with a Vet?" Samantha raised a brow before motioning for her to come with. "I want to verify. We have a device on loan from the Americans for simulating the various missions that those who claim to have been pilots" The pair entered a darkened room with a chair and helmet in the center. "We will know soon enough. Please sit." Chitose smirked. "I believe you will be pleasantly surprised."

Samantha remained unconvinced as she placed the Helmet on Chitose's head before walking to a computer and typing in the keyboard. The screen fizzled into black before fizzling back into full color, inside a cockpit of an SU-30M. She put on a headset to listen to the radio coms. "Sol Squadron, Farbanti is under attack by Osean forces, with the infamous Snowbirds leading the charge. Take off immediately!" "This is Sol One, heading out. Sol Five, this is your chance to prove yourself." The SU-30 rolled forward before lifting off in formation with four other black SU-30s with Orange tips.

"Hm. The Oseans managed to take control. Engage the Osean Bigshots." "Roger, let's see what they are made of!" Chitose's voice came through before the sound of a missile lock came through. "Sol five, Break!" The SU-30 commanded by the now Captain Nishizumi banked hard, with a second voice cam through. "Jesus! Could you not pull such turns without warning me, Thunder!?" "Sorry, Prez, but our survival is critical compared to your comfort." "I'll throw my neck out!" The SU-30 banked again before an AAM slammed into an F-15. "Nice kill! You make the lock-ons easy!"

The SU-30 banked again before both the pilot and WSO grunted. "Shit! It's Three Strikes! Thunder, can you shake him?" Prez braced herself as the SU-30 pitched up violently as chaffs and flares were shot off. "Shit, he isn't firing!" "Sol Five, Missile!" The SU-30 dived before a missile slammed into the wing, tearing it off and sending the aircraft into a death ward spiral. "Prez, eject! I can't stabilize the aircraft!" Both the Pilot and WSO ejected, being sent to different parts of Farbanti.

The computer then phased to black before the machine powered down, with Samantha walking towards Chitose and lifted the helmet off, with the latter looking rather sorrowful. "I see now why you seem to have a high regard for your abilities. Those maneuvers... not many within our Air Corps could pull them off."

Chitose sighed. "And I've felt the humiliation of being shot down. At least it was by one of the best the enemy offered. Will you allow me to fly?" Samantha nodded before pulling the woman with her. "You will fly with Saunders, but as Saunders Six." They entered a locker room before Chitose was brought before a locker. "A helmet and flight suit is inside. It used to be used by Naomi before she was transferred to fly the C-130."

Chitose nodded before changing into the flight suit, carefully removing the 'Robin' from the flight suite and carefully putting her call sign in its place. "Thunder? Hm. Fitting, considering the aircraft's insignia that we fly." Samantha remarked before placing Chitose's Erusean insignia over the right breast. "Now you are finished. Now to the F-18 A. The Americans were generous with the contract with Saunders." The pair walked into the hanger, with six F-18As parked and armed in an Air-to-Air loadout.

Chitose walked up to one of the aircraft, taking into account the conditions, weapons, fuselage, and the canopy before climbing into the cockpit. "At least some things are universal..." She gazed upon the various instruments and controls, carefully noting the advanced radar screens.

"So, what do you think, Thunder?" Samantha called up as Chitose climbed out of the cockpit. "More room than I'm used too, and no WSO, which is fine. Though I wonder how it would fair in combat." Samantha chuckled before motioning for her to follow. "Let's be real. You need to know the squadron. Ladies!" Four women walked up, a brunette, two redheads, and a black haired woman. "Right, introductions are in order! From right to left, is Miss Chiyo, call sign Trigger." The Black-haired woman nodded. "Next to her are the twins Hana and Rebecca, call signs Spiral and Jumper respectively." The redheads chuckled before Samantha looked to the final pilot. "And this is Miss Sarah, call sign Demon. And your's truly is Miss Lightning."

Chitose hummed before nodding. "Captain Chitose Nishizumi, call sign Thunder, Erusean Naval Air Arm." Everyone besides Samantha started murmuring. "If you have questions, might want to do them now before we do a briefing, assuming you do briefings for any missions." Chiyo raised her hand, with Chitose nodding. "How many flight hours outside of training and how many confirmed kills?"

Chitose thought for a moment. "Hundred Sixty plus hours outside of training, with over fifty confirmed kills. Served three squadrons, leading one of them: Sabot, Sol, and Lightning." Chiyo nodded before Sarah hummed. "Now why would Erusea or whatever you call it, employ teens?" Chitose snorted. "I lied of my age. The tale as old as time." The redheads chuckled before Samantha clapped her hands. "Right, please assemble near the holographic board for the briefing." Everyone nodded before walking off to a corner.

Everyone took a seat besides Samantha before the latter pressed a few buttons and typed into a consul, bringing up a map of Shikoku Island. "Now, let's get to it. Ladies, our objective is to escort our Student Council to the Sensha-do Nationals. While we do not expect any response from Kuro or Pravda, but be on your guard. Remember, only reactionary moves, no proactive engagements."

Chitose leaned back before speaking. "While the mission is sound, a fighter pilot is an offensive arm. I'll give some pointers later." Everyone scowled before Chiyo sighed. "Wheels up in fifteen." Samantha spoke before chuckling. "Saunders Six, you are going to be a handful...."

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