Meeting with Elegance

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Thunder slowly descended before lowering flaps and gear on the final approach, the Terminator's engines roaring softly before the aircraft landed on the tarmac. The woman grunted as she applied brakes and angled her tail fins to increase drag, slowing the aircraft to a stop. "Lightning One, this is Control. Take the next taxiway, then taxi to the spitfire hangars."

"Roger, Control. Taxi via Foxtrot, follow Foxtrot. Lightning One." Thunder responded as she increased thrust enough to taxi before making a right, following the taxiway to the designated hangar.

At said hangar, Orange Pekoe and Assam stood in their bright red uniforms under a Spitfire Mk II. "A Russian design. I wonder if Pravda uses advanced aircraft for escorting." Assam mused, taking a sip.

Pekoe sighed. "I just hope the pilot is willing to talk. I heard that she is in a foreign nation's service." Assam frowned before the whirling of the Terminator's engines died down before the canopy of the aircraft raised up. A slim woman stood up before jumping down and rolling on the asphalt.

Thunder took her helm off before running a gloved hand through her hair. "Graceful landing...." She looked towards the two women. "I assume that you are to take me to whoever is in charge, yes?"

Assam nodded. "Come, your arrival has already caused unnecessary attention away from the tea party with BC Freedom." Thunder chuckled before assuming a neutral demeanor and walking behind the two girls, helmet under her left arm. "Oh don't mind me interrupting your precious party..." She said sarcastically before muttering quietly. "It's not like I just got out of a war..."

After a few moments of silence, with Pekoe looking back at the pilot while the trio walked, they came upon a gazebo, where Darjeeling, Rosehip, Marie, Oshida, and Andou were talking amongst themselves. "Talk to the one with blonde hair in the sweater. She was the one who wanted to speak with you." Assam stated before the two students sat down at the two empty chairs.

Darjeeling took a sip from her tea before speaking. "An angel from on high. Welcome to Saint Gloriana." Thunder merely grunted in response before she continued. "I see you have seen some things by that demeanor. Tell us, what is your name?"

The pilot sighed before standing at attention. "Captain Chitose 'Thunder' Nishizumi, of the Erusean Air and Space Administration, flight lead of Lightning Squadron, callsign Lightning One." Everyone gasped before Andou jumped up. "You are not a Nishizumi! There are only two, and they would never take to  the skies as a pilot!"

Chitose glared at the woman before clicking her tongue before turning her attention to Darjeeling. "Why have you called me here? I serve no purpose on a civilian ship as a fighter pilot."

Darjeeling smiled. "Simply put, I'm intrigued by the your young appearance. Could you, perhaps, be related to Maho and Miho Nishizumi?" Chitose froze before closing her eyes. "It appears that they hold a close meaning to you, or at least the names." Darjeeling took a sip of tea.

Thunder opened her eyes before sighing. "Miho is my twin sister. I remember growing up with them for the first ten years... before being sent to another world." Darjeeling nodded before smiling. "Perhaps you can reunite with your family."

Chitose raised a brow. "What do you mean?" Darjeeling chuckled before leaning forward. "Miho attends Ooraii, while Maho commands Kuromuromine's Shensha-do team. However, Ooraii will be shut down if they do not win the Nationals." Chitose frowned. Something must have happened....

"And I assume you will warn their respective ships ahead of time of an approaching fighter jet from an unknown nation..." Darjeeling nodded before smiling. "But to get to them, you will have to stop by Saunders for refueling, for a trip half of the Pacific's length would be strenuous without refueling."

Thunder sighed. "As soon as I'm refueled, I'll make my departure... I do not wish to impose on your party." Darjeeling sighed before nodding. "I understand the reason, then. I recommend stopping by the Graf Zeppelin, for it is closer..." Damn... this is going to be a looong trip. Chitose thought before nodding. "I thank you for the brief, I'll take my leave now."

Darjeeling nodded before smiling. "Fair winds on your trip, Captain Nishizumi." Thunder merely nodded before making her way back towards the airfield. "Do you believe that she is indeed a Nishizumi?" Darjeeling glanced to Assam.

The gunner of the Churchill nodded. "Her appearances look like the more matured version of the girl who disappeared almost six years ago. Since there was no body found, she could have been serving under someone the world may not know of." Darjeeling nodded before humming. "Kay may find her interesting."

As she approached the hangar, the ground crews nodding to Thunder before retreating from the SU-47. The young pilot quickly climbed into the cockpit before making a preflight check. "Rudder, check. Flaps, check... Fluid levels... maximum." she switched over to a frequency before speaking. "Tower, this is Lightning One, requesting taxi to runway."

"Request granted. Taxi via Romeo and hold short of runway at Romeo." "Lightning One, taxi via Romeo, hold short on Romeo, roger." The Erusean aircraft whined as it began to move before Thunder stopped the aircraft. "Lightning one, requesting  permission to taxi onto runway and lift off." "Granted. After takeoff, ascend to two thousand feet. At 2000, restrictions will be lifted. Turn to heading 245 for interception to George Washington Regional Airport." "Lightning One, Roger." The SU-47 taxied onto the runway before the engines roared.

After flying down the runway, Thunder pulled the stick back before the aircraft lifted off at high speeds. "This is Ark Royal. Restrictions lifted. Safe flight." Chitose smiled under her mask before banking to the right and fire-walling the throttle as she ascended to cruising altitude....

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