Girls, Shermans, Vengeful Psychopaths, Oh My!

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A/N: I realized that I was calling the SU-37 the 'SU-47', I apologize for that! Anyways. let's get on with it!

Two Hours in Flight

Chitose slowly looked around before chuckling. "Oh Prez... if only you were here..." Her attention focused on forming storm clouds directly in her path before grinning. "This should prove to be fun..." She banked the Terminator into a dive into the clouds.

The turbulence was instant, as the woman grunted to keep the fighter on the correct heading. Lightning streaked across the nose before a loud tone came though her helmet. "What the-!" Thunder pushed the stick hard to the right, her fighter roaring as the throttle was forced into afterburner.

On the George Washington, Alisa gazed upon the radar screen, noting the sudden maneuver of to unknown aircraft. "The bogey has dropped below cloud bottom. Naomi, Identify, now!" The tomboy nodded before looking out the window, bringing some binoculars to her face. "I see it... That is not a school or national emblem that I'm aware of..."

Kay looked on at the sudden break through of the clouds before smirking. "So this is who Darjeeling spoke about..." She had a slight grin before continuing to observe.

Thunder looked around before her helmet blared a missile warning again. "Ok, you fucker! You want to play, let's play!" She banked the SU-37 hard to the left, the missile streaking past as it failed to compensate for the sudden move.

"Did you miss me, Thunder?" A female voice came through, causing Thunder to gasp slightly. "Prez? What the hell? We are squad mates!" "The destruction of Satellites only proved one thing: Anarchy immediately takes hold. Fired up now? Come shoot me down!" An SU-37, with the same markings as Chitose's aircraft flew right by her on full afterburner before banking hard to face nose-to-nose.

"Very well... Lightning Three. Show me what you are made of." Both pilots shot off two AAMs at each other before banking away, with Prez firing off chaff and flares. "Did you hope to restart here? Away from the others? Did you forget the amount of crimes, the blood on your hands?!" Prez rambled as she fired another AAM towards Thunder before the latter banked upwards into the clouds in a high Yo-Yo maneuver, firing a HPAAM missile towards Prez, forcing her to break off her pursuit.

Alisa and Naomi looked on as they witnessed the combat. Kay, who managed to sneak into the tower and don a headset, gasped at the words being spoken. Chitose's words were cold. "Careful of what you seek, Prez. It will be your undoing." "Damn! I'm feeling these Gs in my teeth! Hot damn, Thunder!" "Sweet talk will not save you from me."

Back in the clouds, Thunder and Prex were still pulling 5 to 7 Gs in the catfight before Thunder got onto Prez's six. "Fox Two." Thunder sent an AAM towards Prez before the latter did a barrel roll. This, however, proved to be what Thunder wanted. "Fox Three." A HPAAM shot from under Chitose's wing before the missile slammed into Prez's SU-37, destroying the aircraft.

Thunder leveled out before sighing. "She wasn't a bad pilot." She banked back towards the George Washington before speaking on an open frequency. "Lightning One to Tower, requesting permission to land."

Alisa sighed before speaking. "Granted. Approach via the South. We will see you shortly, Lightning One." "Roger that, Tower. Making approach."  Alisa looked to Kay before sighing. "Did we just witness the death of someone?"

Kay merely shrugged before exiting the tower into the rain. The water was cold, just as cold as the pilot that is landing. But Kay seemed determined to change that.

The SU-37 landed firmly before slowing down and taxiing into a hanger before Thunder shut off the engines and allowed her canopy to open. "Damnit.... Prez..." "Hayo! Come on down! I would love to talk!" A blonde shouted up before Chitose sighed. "I'm coming."

The pilot jumped down before taking the Blonde's hand. "Lieutenant Chitose Nishizumi." The Blonde smirked. "Kay, Commander of Saunder's Shensha-do team! No doubt you are hungry!" Chitose sighed. "You hospitality is appreciated, but I must continue-" "Come on! I'll show you a good time personally!" Kay chuckled before wrapping an arm around Chitose before dragging her out of the Hanger. What is up with this girl...

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