Chapter 2

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Why? Please, someone explain to me: why? 

In the first place, is there anyone who would cry just because a random girl they don't know is asking her friend not to trust them? 

What the hell? 

I quickly forced my 'Sky is pretty when he's crying' thoughts back in and stared up at Sky. I hesitated, not knowing what to do. 

Sky wiped his tears. 

"Do you really not trust me?" Sky asked to Robin.. or, me? It seemed like Sky was looking at my way, begging for an answer. 

I groaned, standing up. 

I patted Sky's head, saying, "There, there." I tried to sound comforting.

"I don't know why you're crying.. but please don't cry?" I pretty much asked, truly confused about this weird situation. 

Okay, maybe Sky is crying because I told Robin, who he has a crush on, to not trust him. 


Of course that's not it! Stop being stupid! 

There is no way that Sky would cry just because of that stupid warning I gave to Robin! 

Oh my god, I really want to go and bury myself. Did I just pat a soon-to-be-duke's head? 

I felt like my soul was being sucked out of my body, especially when I saw how Sky looked really surprised. 


Is Sky Schwann blushing? 

Please kill me, I think I just made the soon-to-be-duke embarrassed. Goodbye, world! It was a short amount of time but I loved how you allowed Robin to be alive! 

I robotically retracted my hand, turned towards the door. I tried to grab the door, but I slipped, so I had to try again. Yes, after 3 tries, I was finally able to open the door and leave the classroom, feeling the stares of my classmates on my back.


"Stay. Away." 

Robin glared at Sky, crossing her arms. 

Sky was evidently disappointed; he looked like a dog that was told to go away. 

In the middle of this, I was the most confused. 

Did my warning work? Is that why Robin is so.. overprotective. 

"I told you to stay away from my Naro! I know that we used to be close friends, but I'm never going to give my Naro to anyone!" Robin bellowed, hugging my waist and sticking her tongue out in a playful manner. 

My face heated up, embarrassed by all the people that were stopping to look at this.. scene in the hallway. I mean, come on. They didn't need to whisper to each other. 

Ever since the day when Sky cried, Robin has been protective over me, shooing Sky away each time he tried to start a conversation with Robin, or maybe me too. 

I know, it's natural for Sky to talk to his crush's best friend, as he did in the original novel. 

However, I think he really should try talking to Robin more, instead of coming to me each time. I'm guessing it's probably in order to ask me about Robin, since Sky is too shy to ask her himself. 



What did Robin just say? 


Robin and Sky used to be close friends? 


This was never mentioned in the novel, and I haven't seen Robin interact with the Schwann family. Like, never

I also recall a passage in the novel: 'Robin was amazed by the boy's snow white hair and royal purple eyes. Why have I never seen him before? Robin thought.' 

Clearly, she says 'why have I never seen him before', but how and why does she refer to Sky as a ex-close friend? 

I blinked, trying to consume all of the information. 

So messed up. I thought. 


I escaped. 

I needed time to think, and I also didn't want to be in the middle of that large crowd. I sighed, rubbing my temples out of distress. 

I walked away from the classrooms, looking for my dorm. 

After a few minutes, I finally reached my destination. 

Everything was fine until I opened the door. 




There was a beautiful, blonde girl with blue eyes, staring directly at me on my bed. 

I closed the door while staring at the girl, entranced by her beauty. 

When I looked closely, she was even more beautiful. Her silky, straight hair reached her chin, making her look sharp. She's the first person that I ever saw that was as beautiful as Robin. She looked about my age, making me even more confused. 

I finally decided to ask. 


I walked towards the girl, who looked as equally as confused as me. I could see her opening her mouth. 

"Um." a feminine voice replied. 

"I think I'm supposed to be your new roommate?" she said once more, honestly looking confused herself. 

I internally cursed at the president for not telling me anything about this. 

I sighed. 

"Okay. My name is Narohana Piece, but my friends call me Naro, got it?" I said, offering a hand shake. 

She took my hand.

"Hello, I'm Penny Neoheart, nice to meet you! Im one year younger than you, so please take care of me!" 

I nodded, smiling. After that, I retracted my hand and turned around. 

First of all.. 


Does that mean that Penny is Stella's younger sister? 

Second, she's one year younger than me? That means that she has an incredible talent; its almost impossible to join Beaker Academy at 13. Only several people have succeeded, and one of them were Stella. 

So, overall, this means that the Neoheart family is really strong, I guess.


"Wait, Penny?" I asked, smiling, waiting for a response. Penny turned her head, an unreadable expression on her face. She whispered something inaudible, but I decided to ignore it. 

After moments of silence, Penny hesitantly replied.

"..Yeah?" her high-pitched voice filled the room. 

"Take the lower bed, I already called dibs on the higher one." I deadpanned as I pointed at the bunk bed.


"You were right." 


"She's pretty interesting." the male replied to his confused friend. 

"..oh." the white headed male replied, looking down. 


"Ahaha, I'm looking forward to meeting her~" 


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