Chapter 5

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"Na~Ro~~" Stella called, waking me up. I jolted up from my bed, turning my head to the smiling male. 

"Ughh.." I groaned, covering my face with my beige blanket. 

Soon enough, Stella started poking my face. 

"Naro~ Eat breakfast~" he smiled, making me even more stressed. I pushed him away, saying, "Stop talking." 

I mean, seriously. 

Turns out, my parents decided to give permission to the Neoheart family's request to stay in the same shelter with me. This shelter was supposed to be my own, private shelter. 


Why did Stella have to request that stupid thing? 

He isn't even close to me; we only met 1 time! Well, not counting the festival, I guess. Still, we didn't even have a proper conversation, but all of a sudden, he starts calling me as my nickname. 

I shook my head, begrudgingly following Stella down the down the stairs. 

I really hated how he suddenly acted all nice towards me; in the novel, he despised me, remember? 

I guess he thought that he couldn't compete with Sky, so he's trying to make me talk. Plus, he brought Penny in this mess! The innocent girl! 

I took a glance at Stella. He was still smiling. 

Maybe I should make him mad. 

I stopped walking. 

Stella stopped with me. 

When he turned to me, I opened my mouth, hesitated, but decided to speak anyway. 

"Why is your name like that?" I started, staring at Stella with a cold expression. I continued. "Stella is a girl name, correct?" I saw Stella tense up. "Then, why is your name like that?" I decided to give a critical hit. "It's not like you want to be a girl.. Right?" 

I gave a snicker, staring at his eyes. 

I kind of felt sorry for doing this to him, but I absolutely needed him out of this house, so yeah. 

Stella was staring at the ground for a very long time.

Just when I had thought that I did too much, Stella suddenly lifted his head. His expression held.. Surprise? 

"You're curious?" Stella asked, almost sounding excited. 

I stiffened.

I had expected a really, really, disgusted look.

Instead, I got a Stella looking half happy. 

I inhaled. 

I blinked a few times, internally slapping myself. 

I gave an awkward smile, wanting to die. 

"Yeah. Tell me all about it."


Once upon a time, there was a couple that hated each other. They were forced to get married, which made them break up with the person they loved. 

They told each other each day and night: I hate you. 

Several years have passed, and their child was finally born. 

It was a beautiful little girl, with yellow hair and blue eyes. 

The couple was happy, for the first time ever since they got married. I mean, they could get this child to marry someone with lots and lots of money! 

They celebrated, until the little girl died. 

An assassin killed her. 

After this, the couple was devastated; why did their batch of money have to die? 

Soon, they got over her death; especially because they were able to get one more child. 

When they first saw the newborn child, they were more than happy. The child was even more beautiful that the girl that died, which meant that there was a higher chance of sending her off to marry a rich man.

..Until they realized that the child was not a female. 

A male child was useless to them. 

They only needed a girl. 

The couple thought about killing the boy right there and now, but decided to keep him. 

He looked too beautiful, after all. 

They named her Stella, they thought it suited him and his face. 

They taught the boy how to live as a nice lady, explaining how he needed to use his face to marry a rich man who could provide money for their family. 

At this, the young boy asked: "Don't we already have lots of money?" 

The couple's reply was a stern stare, and 4 days without any food. 

The boy learned quickly; he knew what he had to do. He didn't want to, but his own opinion was not important. Smile. He had to smile. A good lady has to smile.

When his parents told him that they would be changing his gender permanently, Stella accepted with no problem. 

This was the life he was born into, so there was nothing he could do. 

Just when he thought that he was going to start a new life as another gender, Penny was born.




I blinked several times, questioning what I had just heard. 

Of course, as you may have expected, this stuff wasn't even mentioned in the novel; I simply thought that his name was a girl name because his parents didn't care about him. 

I awkwardly rubbed my nape, trying to process all the information. 

I opened my mouth to say something, but I closed it, gulping. 

Pure silence engulfed the room, and I couldn't focus on anything. 


"..Sorry." Stella said, startling me. He wasn't smiling.

"Wait, what do you mea-" I got cut off.

"I know you hate me. I shouldn't have tried to look pitiful in front of you, right? That makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it-" this time, I decided to step in.

"Nope." I put a finger over his mouth to stop his talking.

"First of all.." I trailed off, thinking.

"I don't hate you." 

At this, Stella's expression turned from something unreadable to relief, making me feel guilty. 

"Second, why are you saying sorry?" I asked, frowning. 

"I should be the one that's sorry for saying mean things, just because I was annoyed." I stated, being awfully honest. 

Stella stared at me, a small smile forming on his lips. 

"No, don't feel sorry." he started, his voice full of relief. 

"You being annoyed is totally understandable." 

I couldn't help but return a small smile, thinking of how Stella's personality wasn't that specific in the novel. 

I was deep in thought until I saw yellow hair bouncing. 

"Um, what are you doing?" Penny asked.

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