Chapter 6

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"I'm leaving, and I'm going to come back at night." I stated with confidence, gaining the attention of Stella and Penny. 

They just blankly stared, nodding. 

I tried offering an awkward smile, waved, and left right away, closing the door lightly.

Ever since Stella told me about his past, I became really nervous and felt wrong when I was near him.  

After all, I did try to trigger him by asking about his name; that small mistake led up to all this awkwardness. 

I couldn't really stand it, so it made me instantly find something else to do when Stella tried to start a conversation with me; I know that this is not that nice, but what could I do? 

Anyways, I'm going to meet Investor L today.  

I don't know how and why Stella knew of his existence, but honestly, he has nothing to do with this, which makes his opinion useless. Plus, I trust that I can beat up almost anyone with magic. 

If Stella knew that I was going to meet Investor L today, he would have said something, I guess, but he didn't, which means that he either doesn't know or he's ignoring it. 

Well, not that it matters, anyway. 


I'm not on a level of stupidity to not crossdress. 

It would look insanely suspicious if I went there as a woman, so I simply did the following; I made myself look like a boy with magic, made my voice sound like a boy with magic, and made my eyes and hair brown with magic. 

Of course, I made my hair look short as well. 

I smiled, looking at my small hand mirror. 

I actually looked like a pretty boy, not a girl. 

Putting the mirror away, I raised my head and looked around. 

Currently, I was sitting in a library with not many people inside, waiting for Investor L to come. 

I was wearing a illusion magic, so my face wouldn't look similar to Narohana at the slightest. 

Nothing to worry about, I guess. 

I was humming a soft tune until I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned my way to face the unknown figure. 

There was a boy that looked about my age, maybe younger. 

He had pink hair and yellow hair mixed together; the left part of his hair was dark pink, while the right part of his hair was yellow. His hair was curly and bouncy, and it actually looked silky for some reason. He had pitch black eyes that were wide, with an innocent look on his face.

Overall, he looked less prettier than Stella but he was still pretty, and he was less boyish than Sky, but he was still boyish. 

He was the perfect mix of both, making him look beautiful, I could say. 

I stayed silent, waiting for him to speak first. 

He smiled.

His lips slightly parted, ready to speak. 

"You're the one who provided.." his slightly high voice trailed off. He bended in to whisper, saying, "Illegal stuff." 

I blushed out of embarrassment; giving a quick nod. 

"Okay then. Let me introduce myself.. But not in here." he said, making me realize that I was about to learn Investor L's true name. 



I think I made a huge mistake. 

Investor L turned out to be an archmage, making things much more complicated. 

I sat in the guest seat of the mage tower, gulping down all the curses I wanted to say. 

Soon enough, the boy entered, sitting directly next to me. He kept smiling, sending chills down my spine.

His smile seemed too painful to be real; it was the same with Stella's. 

"Ehem." he said, clearing his throat. 

"Before I introduce myself, let me show you my fake form. I use this form for almost all occasions." 

As soon as he stopped speaking, he turned into a slightly taller boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and a very, very, normal face.

Kind of reminds me of the Lina person. 




Of course, there's no way that a side character would be as beautiful as this boy in front of me. 

He was simply a male lead, and that made him beautiful. 

I sweat dropped out of the solved mystery. Even though I was still wondering about why he attended Beaker Academy with his other form, I pushed that thought down, opening my mouth.

"Is your name perhaps.." I stopped midway, looking to see his reaction. He nodded, signaling me to continue. "Lina?" 




I internally slapped myself for my idiocity.

"Then.. Lona?" 




".. my name is Liam.. haha~" Liam's eyebrow twitched, clearly annoyed. At this, I widened my eyes, stuttering. 

"U-uh, I mean, I was just um you know," I smiled forcefully. "Doing a guessing game?" I questioned, making the confusion grow even more. 


"yeah, I mean..~"


Silence overtook the whole space, awkwardness creeping out. 

Various thoughts whirled in my head; what happens to someone when they annoy an archmage? Will I be okay if I convince him that I'll help him get together with Robin? Wait, he doesn't know Robin yet, right? 

Well, I really shouldn't have trusted my stupid braincells to do their job. 

I kept awkwardly laughing, trying to get out of this situation. I mean, Liam had a look on his face as if he's had the worst day in his life. 

He quickly came back to his original form; it seemed like he also wanted to get out of this situation. He forcefully smiled, looking down. 

"Well.." he started, breaking the silence.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed from an awkward one to a mischievous and bouncy one. 

"I'm going to attend Beaker Academy soon enough, so see you there~" 

I was teleported back to the back door of my shelter, and all I could remember was Liam's winking face as he said those amazingly disturbing words. 

Okay, I guess he knows who I am, even though I didn't reveal my true form. 


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