Chapter 3

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"I love you. I love you so much, but why do you never look in my direction?" 

Beep beep beep

"Ugh." I coughed out, tired of the dream that kept showing up. 

I lifted my body into a sitting position, kicked my blanket, and stood up from the bed. Yeah, to be honest, it felt really tiring. 

The same dream happens over and over again.

A older version of myself, standing on a cliff. With someone else. 

The other person tells me that he, I think, loves me, but I never gave him a chance. I don't say anything until the dream ends, and when I wake up, I always forget how the other person looks like. 

It's not mentioned in the novel, it's not in my memory, so what was this dream?

Each time I have that dream, I tell myself: what a bad day.


Penny is a good person. 

At first, I thought that Penny would be similar to her brother; sly. However, Penny was a whole different person.

She always knew how to throw jokes at me, successfully making me smile. While she may seem too quiet, that part of her was good because she really knew how to respect others personal. Space. 

I really appreciated that, especially now. 

Apparently, she saw me cursing about the dream to myself, but she kindly decided to ignore me and went back to staring at a letter. 

And I, being the very nice person I am, I didn't ask her about the letter either. 

Hey, it's true.

I'm not too embarrassed to go and speak to her.  

Soon, I couldn't stand the awkwardness so I decided to leave the dorm. It was kind of against the rules, but who cares, it's not like anyone will report me. 

I tried to walk quietly, so that no one would wake up. 

As I was trying to reach the garden, yes, Beaker Academy has a garden, I felt someone bumping into me from behind. Surprised and shocked, I slammed the person onto the ground out of reflex. 

Everything was fine until I heard laughing. 



That's when I realized that it was Sky who I had slammed onto the ground, and that a black haired person who was smiling with their eyes closed was laughing at this. 

I immediately realized that this was Stela Neoheart. 

Stella hated Sky, and even Sky disliked Stella. 

They were kind of like rivals, especially because of their talents. While Sky was magnificent in archery, he found out that his swordsmanship skills were way higher than normal. The only problem here was that Stella is the original 'talented in swordsmanship' person. In Beaker Academy's point of view, Sky was clearly more useful than Stella; Sky had two talents while Stella had one. 

Of course, Stella got expelled later on. He got expelled when Robin got together with Sky. 

What a great timing, the author really was a mean person. 

Well, not that it bothers me. 

Right now, my top priority is to get Stella not to report me. If I get reported, my grades will get damaged, which means that I'll get less support, which means that I'll get less money! I can't have that. 

Some people might consider me stupid for going against the rules, but I do have a pretty decent reason. 

I'm trying to meet 'Investor L', a nice person who provided me money each time I gave them an ivy seed. 

If you are confused, it makes sense because you probably don't know what ivy seeds do.

I make magic ivies. 

Okay, that sounded stupid, so let me explain. 

You can insert magic in any non-living or living things, and that makes the person, object, or whatever really strong. 

It works especially well on living things, so I chose an ivy to do my magic insert thing on. Shut up, it's not because an ivy was the first thing I saw after I decided to do the magic insert. 

Anyways, this is illegal. 

Since it's illegal, and only a small amount of people can do this, I can receive a huge amount of money by selling this. 

That's where Investor L appears. 

This is the first time that I was supposed to meet him, so I was really excited, but of course that didn't happen. 

Instead, I'm standing in the hallways, hoping that Stella didn't and won't report me. 

Well, maybe that was only my worry. 


Because the laughs kept on coming. 



"Sorry, but Sky getting that kind of treatment was a unique thing to see." Stella said, still smiling. 

For a moment, the laugh felt real, which confused me. 

Stella is a sly character that is always smiling but in reality, is disgusted by everything. He only truly smiles when he is with Robin, and Robin is supposed to be the 'only living thing on earth that is purely kind'.

I don't know, just remembered it. 

I internally flicked myself for being stupid; that laugh can't possibly be real. 

A lie to make me lower my guard, right? 

I frowned, thinking of how Stella treated Naro in the novel. 

In the novel, Stella says, "I can't believe how Robin says you're her friend. Clearly, you are just another disgusting creature that was accidentally made." 

Honestly. That's not nice. 

Good thing that Stella wasn't the one who Naro had a crush on; imagine what would have happened if Sky said that to her. Never mind, not a really nice thing to think about. 

So, like, um. 

What do I do with Stella? 

I tried smiling, but it probably looked really awkward. 

"Hey, s-so like.." I said; my stuttering was so perfect. At this, Stella hid his mouth with his oversized sweater. Probably thinking that I was annoying. 

I looked away in embarrassment. 

"I won't report you." 


I looked up, evident surprise in my face. 

The next thing he did surprised me even more. 

He stopped smiling, and opened his eyes. 

"But.. can you promise me one thing?" 


"Don't meet investor L."


I Don't Simp for the Main CharacterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz