Chapter 7

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"Welcome back to Beaker Academy!" 

The students were all shouting, laughing, jumping, and doing whatever to show their happiness. 

In the middle of all that, I was the only serious person who was frowning. 

It's because I was too busy thinking about what Liam meant. 

He was supposed to attend Beaker Academy next semester, not this one. If his 'soon' meant next semester, then thank god, but if it meant this semester, I really want to escape. 

Even though I tried to stay casual with Liam on the day I first met him, the fact that he was the one who killed Naro doesn't change. 

Liam can kill me anytime, especially now that I know about his status as an archmage. 

It still sent chills down my spine, the lifeless smile on his face, and the unreadable looks he gave me. 

He wants to kill me. 

Right? The original novel's plot can change, yeah, but the ending won't change. Robin will be stuck in a 'dilemma', but ends up choosing Sky. They'll live happily ever after, while the other male leads like Stella or Liam will be expelled, and Naro ends up getting killed. 

How happy. 

I frowned, feeling a little off. 

It felt like I was forgetting something huge... 

Oh well, that didn't matter right now. 

The only problem was Liam. 



I stiffened at the strange nickname that no one has ever used before. Plus, that high pitched voice.. 

Oh, so Liam is going to attend Beaker Academy earlier than in the novel.

I forced myself to smile, ending up smiling lifelessly just like Liam. 

"Hey. Could you not use the.. weird name please?" I politely asked, trying not to make eye contact with the brown eyes in front of me. 

"..Hmm? Why not? It sounds better than Naro or Narohana. Narohana sounds so.. foreign." Liam said with a small, almost unnoticeable smirk. 

I deadpanned. 

Oh, so while I was being scared of this brat, he was thinking of ways to annoy me? 

Fine, if you're going to do it that way, I'm not going to be scared of you!

I smiled, crossing my arms. 

"How about your name?" I stated with a confident smile. At this, Liam narrowed his eyes, frowning. I continued. "It's.. really common. Not unique." 


My smile changed to a smirk, happy at the boy's reaction. He clearly looked annoyed, frowning with an irritated look on his face. 

Well, I didn't have any thoughts about names in general, but I just realized that Liam was very common, so I decided to tease him about it. 

..I mean, true. Narohana is a really weird name. But it's not common... 

Whatever! Curse my stupid parents for naming me like this! I wan't a decent and normal name like Lucy or Jenny, I don't even care if it's common or not! 

Look at Robin! Her name is so.. so not-like-a-foreigner-ish! I'm just going to pretend that it's a word, so stop talking about it. 

Thinking about it, why is my name so stupid? Oh my god. Seriously. 

"Y-your name! It's not finished!" I shouted, pointing at Liam. "It has a 'wil' missing." 

I glared, pretty heated up at the fact that my name actually did sound foreign. It sounded like a name that would come out in anime! 

Was the author of [Robin's Dilemma] an anime fan or something? Couldn't they just give me a normal name? 

"Ughhh! I'm so done with you!" I shouted once more, stomping away from the welcome-back-celebration. 

Liam just shrugged and turned away from me.


I.. overdid stuff back there. 

It's not my fault; it's my parent's fault for giving me a weird.. name. 

Also, I didn't know that dorms were locked until the end of the welcome back celebration. It's the worst day of my life. 

I sat in front of my dorm's door, sighing. 

It would be against the rules to break the magic lock and go in, so I didn't even think of trying. 

I looked down, pounding the ground. 

So stupid. I thought. 

All of a sudden, I could hear footsteps coming closer to me.


I swear to god, if someone suddenly appeared in front of me, I would and will hate cliches forever and ever. 


I hate cliches.

 I looked up, frowning deeply.

"What." I spat out, until I realized that the person who called me was a new student. I took away my frown, looking sideways. I spoke once more, nicely. 

"..What is it?" 

The blonde boy smiled brightly. 

"Could you bring me to the celebration place?" he asked, looking sorry. "I got lost in the hallways." 

I rolled my eyes. If Naro wasn't the main character, why did she have to encounter cliches like this? So useless.

"Okay. Follow me." I stood up, turning away from the boy. I noticed how his eyes looked like red in the dark, but it changed to pink in the light. His curly yellow hair reminded me of Liam, so it pretty much annoyed me. 

Soon, we reached the welcome back place, so I turned away and ignored his 'bye'. 


I ended up getting caught by a staff member. 

I had to go back to the celebration, standing alone in the corner. 

This made much sense because the only thing I did in the break time was to meet with Stella and Penny in my shelter and to see Liam and his stupidness. 

There was no time for me to even send a letter to Robin. Maybe even Sky, because I considered him a friend after he kept hanging out with me and Robin. 

...I kind of want to see them. 

They were the only nice or even normal people in this novel; everyone else was crazy for Robin's love. Not Naro, of course. 

Still, I really did want to see them, just because we were friends, or at least I considered them friends. 

I sighed, reminding myself to actually send letters to Robin in the future. 

When I was about to find a chair and sit down, a familiar yet distant voice called out my name.



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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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