random update no. 2 also nsfw

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very horny

lucifer def would roleplay w mc and most of them roleplays end up in either a good fuck or a game of chess. his favorite is him being teacher and mc being a submissive student (the classic, ofc) and also bondage. bondage deffffff turns the man onnnnn like fuuuck u see this human over here? all tied up on my desk? mine, bitches. i feel like he would be gentle if mc wanted him to but most of the time luci just wants to wreck that pussy mm i mean who wouldn't its the main character after all duhh. mans would go demonic and last rounds after rounds. if mc cums too soon he'll overstimulate her.

"We'll go.. ahh.. for another round.. okay, love?"

damn luci stop making horny stop

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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