you need to eat more- NR

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You're nats daughter and you take your hoodie off Infront of everyone and they start commenting on your weight.
I saw a few like this on TIKTOK but I can't remember all the users :)
You're 14
TW- talk about body image

Y/n pov:

It was a hot day in the avengers compound today. I've lived in the compound for around 6 months now, after my mum decided I didn't need to be a secret anymore. Everyone has been great especially Wanda because she always makes me breakfast in the morning. I've been in recovery for anorexia for around 3-4 months and it's been going really well. I'm so glad I told my mum about my eating habits because she's been helping me ever since and I can't thank her enough. I've been gaining weight and I think I'm recovering really well. Only mum and Wanda know about everything as they're the ones I trust most.

But as I said it was a really hot day today and the compound was even hotter. I tend to wear baggy clothes around everyone because I don't feel comfortable with them knowing about my anorexia yet. But as it was really hot I knew I was gonna struggle today.

Nats pov:

It's around noon and I've been working all morning so I haven't had a chance to see
y/n yet, so I head up to her room to say hi. I knock on the door and hear a faint "come in" so I opened the door to see
y/n in a hoodie and joggers.
"Y/n baby it's really hot today are you sure you want to wear those" I knew she didn't feel comfortable around the boys yet so I don't want to push her to wear something she doesn't want to. "I'll be okay, it's not too hot in here" I just lightly nodded in agreement. "Well I was just coming to say hi, but if you need me I'll be in my office Hun" I said with a light smile and closed her door.

Y/n pov:

I was starting to get hungry so I headed to the kitchen to make lunch. I walked in to see a few of the boys and Wanda sat in the living room, the Boys were playing video games and Wanda was just watching in amusement. "hey guys" I said as I went behind the kitchen island to make a sandwich. I heard a few "hey y/n"s and then Wanda came behind me. "Hey hun, I was thinking about making myself pasta for lunch, do you want some to?" Wanda new how much I loved pasta and obviously new I wouldn't pass on the offer. "Oh my gosh yes please" I said as my eyes lit up. Wanda just laughed at my reaction. " It won't take long, how about you go sit in the living room with the boys?" "Sure, it'll be funny watching them" I laughed slightly and went and sat down on one of the arm chairs.

The longer I sat there the hotter I was getting, a hoodie and joggers probably weren't the best thing to wear. None of the boys were paying attention to me, I don't think they even new I was there. So I made the decision to take my hoodie off and as I did I felt pure regret as a bunch of heads turned towards me. I sat there visibly uncomfortable when I started hearing the comments being made.

"Jesus y/n"

"My god you're like a stick"

I could feel the tears starting to form and I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat.

"Y/n you should eat more"

"Go eat a burger you're too skinny"

I couldn't take it any more. I quickly put my hoodie back on and ran out of the room while sobbing.

Little did I know Wanda had heard the whole thing and came storming into the room.
"You guys are so fucking ignorant" and with that she walked out and ran to find Nat.

Nats pov:

I was sat in my office filling out paperwork and writing emails with quiet music playing in the background. All was going well until I heard Wanda shouting my name and then she burst into my office out of breath and.... angry?
"Jesus fucking Christ Wanda... Everything okay?" I questioned turning my music off. "no everything's not okay it's about y/n" when hearing my daughter's name I started to worry a bit. "She was in the living room with the boys and when she took her hoodie off they started making snarky comments about her weight and she just bolted out the room sobbing" After hearing what happened I was fuming. Why the fuck would they do that? I was so angry. "Wanda do me a favour and find y/n, when you've found her come and tell me where she is.... I'm going to have a talk with the boys" Wanda just nodded and ran off to find y/n while I made my way to the living room.
As I got closer I could hear the boys laughing and messing about witch made me even more angry.

I smashed the door open almost taking it off its hinges.
"Woah Romanoff who pissed in your cereal" Tony stated making himself and the others laugh. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU" I screamed in there faces. I haven't been this mad in a long time. "DON'T YOU DARE MAKE STUPID COMMENTS AFTER MAKING MY DAUGHTER CRY BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS SHUT"
they faces soon went from laughing to scared.
"SHE IS 14 YEARS OLD AND YOU GROWN MEN DECIDED TO COMMENT ON HER WEIGHT LIKE THAT? YOU LOT FUCKING DISGUST ME. NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME, IM GOING TO FIND MY DAUGHTER" and I stormed out of the room and slammed the door, actually taking it off the hinges this time.
sorry this ones kinda long.

Should I make a part 2?
(It'll be when Wanda finds y/n and how nat comforts her)

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