death (SJ)

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A/N - this one may be a little sad...🥲
Pretty much all of this will be in Scarletts pov :)
TW- death

Has it been a year already? Gosh it feels like it was yesterday. Baby girl is getting worse by the day, but never fails to put a smile on my face. Y/n is a strong little girl, but the doctors don't think she'll make it much longer...they said maybe a month. My baby is in so much pain, seeing her in this hospital bed breaks my heart, I just feel so helpless-


I close my diary to be met by y/n crying, and reaching out for me. "Hey hey hey... What's wrong pumpkin?" I say, with a hint of worry in my voice. "It hurts s-so bad mummy, I don't like it, make it stop!" She was balling her eyes out at this point. "p-please mummy" with tears in my eyes I quickly call for someone to check her out.

A few nurses come in and start checking her monitor, and not long after a doctor comes in and evaluates y/n.
"Miss Johansson... Would you mind stepping outside with me?" The doctor says motioning to the door Infront of us. I make my way out with tears threatening to fall and the doctor starts telling me y/ns options moving forward. Im going to be honest, I wasn't really listening as I've just been told that my little girl probably won't make it any longer than 3 weeks. I finish talking with the doctor, and now I'm going to have to talk to y/n. How am I supposed to explain to a 5 year old that she's going to die?

"Hey are you feeling?" I say stroking some hair out of her face. "Better, I don't hurt anymore" she states smiling at me. God this is going to be hard. "Baby I need to listen to me carefully, can you do that?" Y/n just stares at me. "so mummy just talked to the doctor" I take a deep breath, "mummy can I tell you a secret" y/n says just above a whisper, interrupting me. "Go on baby" I say still running my finger through her hair. "I don't think I can fight anymore, it's too hard" she says looking at me with tears running down her face, and mine also. "Hey, that's okay baby, if you want to go you can" i whisper the end trying to hide the fear I can feel creeping in. She just wraps her tiny arms around me and what she said next brought me peace in the situation. "And then I can go see grandma and max! They will keep me safe Mama" I chuckle a little, how is my baby girl so smart and strong.

It's the next day and I've made sure that y/n is 100% sure she's okay with whats coming
Next and the nurses have agreed with the way I want to do it.

"Hey baby can you count down from 10 with mummy?" I say grabbing both her hands. "Yes mummy yes" she says giggling as she starts counting


We both start counting as tears begin to fill my eyes afraid of what's coming next.


The nurses slowly come in behind her


"well done my angel, you can rest now" I smile running my hands through her hair trying to be strong for y/n.

And that's when it happened.

The beeping from the monitor got slower and slower..

The nurses start leaving the room to give me space...

The beeping becomes a continuous noise...

And just like that, my baby girl is gone..forever.



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