scared of everything- NR

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- you've been with hydra for as long as you can remember. All you know are horrible people and punishments, these men have traumatized you- but Nat finds you....

- you're 13


The lights dimmed in your cell, signaling for you to go to sleep. But you swore to yourself that you'd never go to sleep again, because that's when the bad things happen. The nightmares of all the punishments you've been given over the years would flood your memories, leaving you screaming and crying in your cell...alone. You were always alone, unless you were training, which was usually for hours on end. You would end up failing a task, this is when you would get punished, and these punishments were BAD. One of his favourites was strapping you to a chair, putting a towel over your face and for hours on end, pour water over your face until you'd pass out. You'd end up back in your cell, alone and afraid.

The lights dimmed another 4 times, indicating that you haven't slept or moved in 4 days. To say you were loosing it was an understatement. You stayed sat in the corner of your cell, knees to your chest, as far away from the door as possible, rocking back and forth mumbling things to yourself.

"No no no"


"No touch"


"Please no hurt"

"Not allowed sleep"

"Please away"

"No kill no no"

"I'll be good"

"Sleep no"

This repeated until you were snapped out of your own thoughts but the cell door opening. You already knew it was him, so you kept your head down and avoided eye contact.

It stayed silent for a while until you heard his voice above you.
"y/n get the fuck up"
You didn't move, you were too afraid to even think. You stayed there, rocking back and forth waiting for him to leave.  

You were so afraid and lost in your own thoughts that you didn't even notice him grab something from outside of the cell. Nothing happened for a few minutes. Your eyes started closing, fighting to stay awake until you were met with a burning sensation all over your body, but not the hot kind, the cold kind. He left your cell laughing to himself as you sat there shivering as he had just dumped water all over you. You dug your head in-between your legs and held onto your head shaking and rocking back and forth begging your body to stay awake.

"Awake no allowed sleep"

"Keep open"

"No hurt"

"Leave alone"

This continued for hours on end, until you heard muffled fighting coming from down the corridor. Still, you didn't move and just sat, afraid and manic.

The fighting was still going on, and you were so focused on the loud noises coming from outside, you didn't even realise someone walking into your cell. Someone new. You kept your head down, not meeting this person's eyes.

"Hey there darling..."

Nats pov:

We were sent on a mission to take down yet again another hydra base, we were informed that there could be a possible hostage within the building and I was given the task to find them.

Making my way down the hallways of the base, I take down any guards that got in my way. As I made my way down the corridor, I could hear quiet sobs and mumbling coming from one of the rooms. Cautiously, I made my way in to find a young girl huddled up in the corner of a cell, rocking back and forth mumbling to herself. My heart absolutely shattered at the sight. I made my way into the cell staying a good distance away from the girl because she's already so afraid, I wouldn't want to make it any worse.

"Hey there darling..." I whisper, crouching down to her level.
She looks up at me with pure terror as she starts to back herself even further into the corner repeatedly whispering to herself.
"No no away please hurt leave alone please..AWAY AWAY NO KILL I BEG NO NO PLEASE"
She starts to scream and sob rocking back and forth, my heart aching just wanting to help this poor girl.
"Hey hey hey honey, I'm here to help you okay? I don't want to hurt you sweetheart" I sit cross legged on the other side of the cell, keeping my distance. Her sobs are just getting louder and louder as she tries to cover herself with her trembling hands.
"Hey, I'm going to stay right here, I won't come near you don't worry sweetheart. I just need you to look at me, can you do that for me?"

Hesitantly, she lowers her hands and looks up at me, and meets my eyes. I give her a warm smile "hey there, I'm not here to hurt you okay? I promise"
I see a faint shimmer of hope in her eyes as she whispers
"no h-hurt?"
"No hurt darling I promise"
We hold eye contact for a brief moment before she completely breaks down sobbing and screaming  "come here детка" I say holding my arms out. She has a look of uncertainty but then crashes into my arms. I hold her close to me as she sobs into my chest gripping my suit and I rub her back trying to calm her down. "Sh sh sh it's okay, it's okay, no one's gonna hurt you any more" her grip tightens on me as I rock her back and forth.
"Can you tell me your name and how old you are doll?"
"Y-y/n, I'm th-thirteen"
Oh my god, I new she was young but not that young, Jesus this poor girl.
"Well then y/n, I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you again okay? Never. I'll protect you детка"
From the corner of my eye I can see the rest of the avengers stood in the doorway staring in awe at my interaction with y/n. I know Tony will make a snarky comment later about how I've gone soft, but I don't care, all I care about is keeping my little girl safe. Maybe she can be the daughter I've always wanted.

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