big brother Luke and secret boyfriend Michael

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You poured the Doritos into the large bowl that you were preparing for movie night with your big brother's Luke, Jack and Ben. Your famous older twin brother by one minute, was finally home, and you smiled at the thought that you could finally see him in person instead of through the computer screen. You were also secretly excited about the return of Michael Clifford. He was also back home, relaxing with his family. You had been texting and face timing the boy for months without any one suspecting a thing. You were so scared for Luke to know, let alone all three of your brothers, in fear that they would completely disapprove. Luke had already expressed to his bandmates that his baby sister was completely and uttely off limits, and that no one was to touch her. Your family's approval was very important to you, knowing that if you and Michael were to ever advance in your relationship they would have to be okay with it, which scared you to death because with Michael's bad boy rep, you had a feeling they would never approve.

You were aruptly snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a chorus of your brother's voices call out your name and dragging out every syllable from where they sat in the living room.

"Huuurryy upppp." Luke called.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" you replied, giggling.

You walked into the living room as Ben hastily pressed play with the remote in hand. Luke was sprawled out in his designated spot on the couch with his left arm idly sitting on the arm rest. Jack was beside him, and Ben beside Jack. You squeezed yourself in between Jack and Luke, grinning as they welcomed you lovingly. You loved your family with all your heart, but it was also growing, and making room for another boy, not a Hemmings, but a Clifford. You couldn't focus on the movie becaue all you were thinking about was Michael. It was a lot easier to hide a Skype chat or a text message, but how to hide your emotions when you were around him, that is the challenge. You so desperately wanted to go see your crush, but knew it was impossible without the rest of your priotective family to suspect something. You knew that you had to tell them sometime, but you had to make sure that you and Michael really wanted to go forth and call each other lovers before you declare the good news. You wanted to be Michael's girlfriend so badly, call him yours, and you just hoped that he shared the same feelings.

You wern't allowed to use your phone during movie night, Hemmings family rules, so you anxiously waited out the span of the ridiculously long movie to finally retreave your phone from the basket sitting aloft the coffee table. You reached out your hand and placed your hand inside the basket when you heard the voice of Ben question your actions.

"I'm just grabbing my phone, the movie is over, so therefore I am allowed to use my electronic device." you reply, a sassy smile spread across your face.

"Uh, no, Hemmings Family movie night ain't finished yet! We're just getting started!" Ben exclaimed, excitedly, "Jack hit the next movie!"

"As you wish, brother." Jack comically replied.

Little did they know, that your antsy fingers were just dying to text the only boy on your mind at the moment, not wanting to watch any more movies, but instead chat with Michael for the rest of the night. You cuddled between Luke and Jack, in your attempt to be in the moment, with your beloved family and the big brother that you missed so dearly, when a light flashed from inside the basket where the four of you previously placed your cell phones. You secretly hoped it wasn't you phone, in case one of your brothers gets curious and could possibly see Michael's name flash across your lock screen. A few minutes pass again, and the dark room lights again from yet another text from a phone inside the brown basket, directly infront of the couch that the four of you were sat upon. You cringed, youir heart racing, hoping that person won't text again, a feeling deep down telling you that it's Michael texting your phone. Another few minutes pass and again, the basket lights up the room, making you wince in an unknown embarassement.

"Ugghh! Who keeps texting! It's so freaking anoying!" Luke expresses as his hand digs inside the basket for the lit up phone. You wipe your sweaty hands on your pant legs, hoping that the phone he pulls out isn't yours, but low and behold you laid your eyes upon your familiar phone case.

"Miss popular." Luke states, smirking at you, you studied his face as his bright smile turned into a furrowed brow.

'This is it,' you thought.

"Why do you have 5 texts from Michael , and why is he calling you babe?" Luke questions you.

"Oh, uhh. That's strange, isn't it?" you say scratching the back of your head. The movie was now paused and all three of your big brothers were glaring at your red face.

"Y/n, what is going on?" Luke asked.

"That's your bandmate, right Luke?" Jack snapped.

"Yeah, it is." Luke replied, his eyes continued to burn ionto yours, which were fixed on the tv screen ahead of you.

"Uhh, well." you began. You had no idea how to break the news to the people who's opinions, you cared about the most. You sucked in a deep breath and decided to just let it all out. "Guys, I really like Michael, like a lot! I have been texting and skyping him for the past few months and I didn't want you guys to know..."

A few silent seconds pass by when it was broken by the words of your twin, "You and Michael?" Luke asked, stunned by the information you had just conveyed.

"Technically no, not yet. We haven't really given each other the title 'boyfriend and girlfriend' more like 'a close friend that I have a massive crush on.' I don't want you guys to freak out on him, okay?" you say to your three wide-eyed brothers.

"Does he like you back?" Jack asked, curiosity filling his voice.

"I hope so." you replied, grinning. This was going better than you had planned out.

"Well, he better be the best god damned boyfriend in the entire world, or he has the three of us to give him a little talk." Jack replied, emphasizing the last work in his sentence, settling back into his original postition.

"Yeah, not just anybody can date the baby of the Hemmings family, yanno." Ben laughed.

"By one minute, okay! Luke's the real baby" you reply.

"Heeeeey." he says flicking the side of your temple. Your hands flew up to the now tender side of your face as you laughed, sticking out your tounge.

"Well, I guess we do approve," Ben syas, sighing, "We just kinda don't want to share you."

You smiled, hugging your brothers all at once.

"I'm still going to give him a talk, tho, lay out some ground rules, you know typical big brother talk." Luke stated, poking your nose.

"Big brother by one minute.." you mumbled.

"Yeah, your never going to live that down, sorry Y/n." Luke replied, laughing lightly, "You're our baby sister, forever and always."

You smile to yourself, leaning your head on Luke's shoulder as the movie resumes. You look up at Luke, your tall, anoying, hilarious, loving brother and whisper, "Be nice, okay? When you talk to Mikey."

He smiles down at you, "No promises, sis, no promises."

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