michael imagine { requested }

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IMAGINE FOR outerwebs !! sorry this took like 293829492 years but its finally here !! and sorry its so short omg  :))

There was a local opening to showcase new art from local artists.

Since you were little, you had always loved art and looking at it. Your passion had started when you found your mother in her office, painting and covered in different colors. She had sat you on her lap, placed a paintbrush in your hand and told you to "paint the world". You had always seen the best in every painting you saw, and you didn't know how you had become infatuated with colors.

That's what drew you to the art showcase. In your hometown and the weekend that you were off from work. You decided to head over, one afternoon, cup of Starbucks in your hand and a fresh eye for some new paintings.

Walking inside, the place was half full, as you were able to see a couple close friends and admire the artwork hanging on the walls. Some of it had been amazing, looking closely and admiring each stroke of the paintbrush. Others had different meanings, some that were unknown to you until you actually noticed the description.

As you walked around, a certain boy caught your eye.

You weren't one for being attracted to guys, but this one, looked out of place in an art showcase.

His hair, a bright red color stood out as you noticed various tattoos all over his arms. He was wearing an AC/DC cut out shirt as you admired him from a far. He felt the gaze on himself as he turned, both your eyes meeting before you turned, a light blush placed on your cheeks.

Footsteps were heard walking closer to you as your gaze remained on the floor, before you noticed some black Vans in front of your black Converse.

Looking up, you met his bright green eyes as he had a smile playfully on his lips.

You had a chance to ask a question, and the first one, came as a surprise for both of you.

"You like art?"

A small chuckle escaped from his lips as he nodded.

"Even though I don't look like I do, I love it."

"Are tattoos a form of expression?"

Nodding, he pointed to his eyebrow piercing as well before smiling.

"The only place I can show art is on my body and through my words."

"What do you mean, through your words?"

"I'm in a band."

"That's cool. What's the name?"

"5 Seconds of Summer."

"Are there five of you?"

He chuckled, shaking his head, "No, there are only four of us."


He extended his hand, before introducing himself.

"My name's Michael, by the way."


You took his hand and shook it, your smile never leaving your lips.

"Would you like to join me on the rest of the showcase, and maybe get some coffee afterwards?"

"I would love to."

The rest of your night became unexpected, as you both admired the showcase, and Michael took you out for coffee afterwards, his smile never leaving his face.

There was something.. different about Michael. Not in the way he walked, talked or presented himself.

But in the way he suppressed his true spirit.

And it was beautiful.

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