Chapter 10

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Luka's POV:
"Hey, baby. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, so I'm coming over. Hope you'll be at the ship."
That was the voice message Leya sent me two hours ago. And I'd only seen it now. When I told Angel she could come over earlier, I didn't think she would distract me so much that I didn't hear a call from my own girlfriend.
Guilt rising deep in my core, I dialled Leya's number, muttering, "Stupid, stupid," Until the rings stopped and Leya's voice came through.

"Hey, baby, you okay? I just saw your voice message I'm really sorry I-"
"was busy?" She interrupted. My mouth clamped shut.
"...yeah. Look i..." I tried to give a reasonable explanation. "My friend came over, and she distracted me so much I...I didn't know you'd called me."
There was a silent pause on the line.
"Okay. That's fine." I let out a breath I didn't even realise i was holding. Glancing at the clock on my bedroom wall, I asked,

"You still want to come over?"
"Mm, no thanks. It's getting kind of late, and I told my aunt we'd have a movie night tonight." My heart sank.
"Okay. Have fun Petal."
"Will do." Then, she hung up.

Lowering the phone from my ear, I sighed. Maybe she was mad. Her answers had seemed quite...curt. Moving my guitar and sitting down on my bed, I went to my calendar and stared at the event written one week from today.

'Two Years with the Love of my Life'

I hope she'd be okay by then.
I really hoped.

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