Chapter 11

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Alya's POV:
Marinette pressed closer to me as we stared at my phone screen. "What?"

"Yeah, and I don't know who she is but...I'm scared guys." On the other end of the line, Leya was lying face up on her bed, tears streaming down her face. It was very, very rare to see Leya cry, so I was definitely not going to take this lightly.

"You think Luka's cheating?" Marinette asked, and Leya sighed, nodding her head.

"I went over to the ship today. I called him before I did, but he didn't pick up so I left him a couple voicemails instead. When I got there I saw him with someone else, laughing and drinking lemonade together on the deck." She sniffed, pressing her knuckles to her eyes. "She was really pretty, and the way Luka was acting obviously meant they were more than acquaintances." My stomach twisted for her. There's no way Luka was cheating, not after almost two years.

"And you're sure the person they were talking to was a she?" Leya nodded, eyes still covered.

"Marinette, how does that matter?" I turned and retorted. "Even if the person was a male, Leya would still feel the same amount of worry!"

"He kept calling her this pet name as well. Angel." Marinette covered her mouth with her hands, eyes wide.

"Oh my gosh. You have to talk to him."

"I want to but....I don't want him to think I don't trust him. He always used to tell me every relationship was built on the amount of trust you have."

"So what?" I said, scrunching my nose. "You want to just...ignore it?"

"Yeah. Kinda. I don't know." She responded.

"Maybe you should just wait until you actually catch him doing something...compromising." Marinette suggested.

"Marinette, I'm pretty sure Leya doesn't want to see her boyfriend cheating on her-"

"Okay. I'll wait."

I looked at Leya through the phone, eyes wide.

"Are you sure?"


Marinette clapped her hands excitedly. I glared at her.

"Let's catch this mother-bleeper."

"Not helping, Marinette!"

Pink (Luka x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin