1: In need of a job

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"Well this is a freaking nightmare".

For the past few years now I've been living in your basic apartment building. Ya know, the one bedroom kind of ones. But over the past 3 months living there has started to become a hassle. Rent was becoming more expensive, the demand for estate was growing. And the apartment building being rumored to be set for demolition was only the beginning of the problems I am facing.

My biggest problem at the moment was my Job, or lack of one. I used to work as the day-guard at the local Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. But 2 weeks ago Fazbear Entertainment announced the closure of multiple locations and selling off the land. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the new Pizzaplex attraction they've been working on.

But that left me without employment. They did say that any employees who lost their job would be given the option to work at the Pizzaplex when it opened. But when they closed the place I worked at they didn't say anything about it. So by default, they lied.

So now I have several problems. I'm unemployed, which means I can't pay the bills for much longer. When that happens I'll be forced to live in my car till I find a new job. If I even can find one. A big problem with the world's current advancements is that many professions are no longer needed. Which sucks when you have a degree in advanced Robotics and can't put that skill to use.

I took a deep sigh and focused my attention back on what I was doing. I was sitting in front of my laptop editing my resume. Considering I'm out of work I thought the best way to look for a new employer would be to apply at multiple places. But before I put it out there that I'm looking for employment I need to bring my resume up to date with my current achievements.

It didn't take too long for me to have everything up to date in my resume. But now I just had one issue. Where am I going to apply? So far the only jobs I have ever worked have either been a mechanic, or a security guard. And outside of those jobs I haven't had much luck in getting work.

"Ya Know what." I said to myself as I stood up from my seat and turned off the laptop. "I'll think about that later. For now, I need some fresh air." I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys. slipped on a jacket, And made my way out the front door and began the short trek down to the river for my walk.

Once I made it down to the river bank I walked along the cement path that snaked its way besides the river. After a good 15 minute walk I arrived at my favorite bench to sit on along this particular path. Reason behind it being my favorite was that it had a generally calming atmosphere, and I used to come here often with my mother before she passed away.

As soon as the memory began to surface I tried to push it away. I don't have the right to call her my mother, I don't even remember her name. The most I know about her was that she had deep ginger hair and taught me how to dance before she was killed in a car accident.

There was also one other thing I remember about her, as little of what I recall about it. But I can faintly remember her voice, her singing voice to be precise. I don't remember what songs she would sing, just her gentle voice soothing a younger me after having a nightmare.

Oh boy, the nightmares. Now those are something I remember crystal clear, because I still have them.

They started out as your simple nightmare that would wake you up at night. But after my mother passed away the nightmares began to change. They became demonic reflections of the Animatronics my father and Henry built for Fazbear entertainment. And it just so happened that the first thing I remembered after waking up from the coma all those years ago was the nightmares.

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