1 | comfort among revolution | 1

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SIDENOTE: Okay, so I've recently started loving lams a lot more, so uhhhhhh lams angst? idk i'm bored and i wanted to write some sad laurs and comfort washingmachine. so i did. none of these are edited by the way i write these in 30-60 mins lmao 


He was getting married, and it wasn't to me.

He was getting married, and it wasn't to me...

"Please, General. Let me go." 

"Colonel, you know I cannot make too many exceptions. We have lost so many men already, and my aide de camp is getting married-" 

"And I am his best friend! I need to be there for him on his special day!"

"No." "I understand that you want to be with him, L-" 


"-and I truly understand your connection, but this war needs to be fought! I can't just have my best men disappear for other means! I know, you are all young and restless, and you want something good in your life-"

"Alex is one of the only things that are good in my life." 

This conversation was useless, I shouldn't be pressing.

But still, I need to see him. 

Before he's taken.



It wasn't, I don't think.

You don't think? THINK, THEN.

"...When will you learn? When will we all learn?" 


"I was like you once. Pining." 

"Pining? Sir, I don't know what this means for me-" 

"I know the look when I see it. I saw it when you two first met. I knew you'd be friends." 

"What do you..." 

"I know you love him." 

 Fuck, he found out.


"I know that you love Alexander with all your heart, but I cannot let you suffer, Colonel." 

 "Colonel? If you're calling him by his own name, then why not me?"

"That's hypocrisy, Colonel. You didn't say his name either." 


"John, suffering is the last thing I want for you. I know, I've said this a million times tonight, but you need to let go of him." He takes a few deep breaths, before continuing.

"John, I need you to know that he loves you too. But he has found someone else, someone who... the public will approve of more, and he has chosen that path for him. You know how people who... like the same gender are treated." 

 He was right. I myself had heard of the acts committed to those like myself.

But Alex... choosing someone over me?

"I don't want you to go through that. Especially with your wife and daughter around you." 

 Right. Martha.

And Frances. Oh God.

"It's difficult, having a wife, while loving another... man. But- but I had to do it. Marry her, I mean. It was best, and it would simply be better for my image..."

"True. But the real question is, do you love her?" ...

I've never been asked this question. I have to love her, she's my wife, of course I must!

But truly do I love Martha? "What have I done to myself?"


He burst into tears in the small tent we were standing in.

I reached forward to calm him. I knew the words I said weren't the most intelligent. I am not same sex loving myself, but this young boy before me...

He is a sign of the new generation that may be to come.

He rested his head on my shoulder, sobbing silently.

He was like a son to me. They all were.

And I care for them like the father I could never actually be.

We sat for a while, occasional hiccups disrupting the air for only a moment.

Then, he stood back and stared into my eyes with his own shining ones.

"I don't think I can move on, but I'll try to realize I can."

I knew he wouldn't move on, that he was just saying it for me. But as long as he understands that suffering isn't the best option, that is enough for me.


only a small percentage of people who read my stories actually follow me, so if you could, please follow my account! it's easy, and worst case scenario- you end up getting adopted by your boss

- chablemisspell -

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