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When you start the story at the end of the story, little is known about the main character.

Surprise, that's me!


I stared at the small orb. Finally, my dream was coming true.

My hands were clutching the gaping hole in my side, and as I moved one to possess the orb, I noticed the blood dripping off my hand.

If I die, at least I had the orb in my possession.

As my finger grazed over the orb, it suddenly blinked in a flash of light. I grabbed it quickly, before a shout echoed from behind.

"Where is she?! We need her dead, you hear me?" "Yes sir! We are searching every hallway and every room, sir!"

The sound was faint, but I knew I had to run. If he got ahold of it, the already slim hopes of my dream would be slashed.

I had what I needed, I just needed to go.

My feet began moving across the floor, before I collapsed towards the ground with an agonizing scream.

"Did you hear that?" "Find the source of that noise!" Crap.

I glanced down to my bloodstained hand, and slowly moved it away from the wound.

A hole was embedded into my lower side, my eyes squinting with pain as air prickled the wound.

The steps were coming closer. I needed to run.

I slowly got back to my feet, and searched for an opening in the heavily damaged castle walls. A hole in the wall across the room was just large enough for me, and I began hobbling across.

One hand was clutching the orb, and the other was pressing on my wound as I edged toward the exit.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A yell came from behind.

My eyes widened, and I quickly concealed the orb in my coat pocket.

The steps came closer, the breathing became louder, until I could feel his presence right behind me.

"Hello, friend." "We are not friends, Catherine. We are devout enemies, as it seems." "What- what a shame!" I said, finally facing Koe with a pained grin forming on my face.

"Where is the orb?" "The- the orb? Why do you think I have the orb?" "I know these walls like nobody else does. I have reasoning to believe you have the orb." "Ohhhhh, yeah I forgot you were brought up here. Sorry about breaking in, by the way-" "YOU KILLED MY PARENTS, CATHERINE!" "I'm not sorry. It was for the greater good." "I-" Koe's eyes suddenly widened, before he stared right into my eyes and threw me against the wall.

"What the heck- I have a hole in my side, that's not fair!" "It was never for the greater good, Catherine. We swore to never use those words to describe our dreams." "That's the past, look where it got us! I'm gonna die, you're gonna live, and you're gonna take over the world with your dumb communism shit!" "Don't call my dreams by such a disgusting name, God impersonator."

"I'm not even tryna- Why can't our dreams coincide in peace?"

His face darkened, and my vision was becoming blurry.

"You know why. Now give me the orb." "No." "Oh, so you do have it?" "KOE- Stop. Let me go. You're- you're going to kill me, aren't you? At least let me achieve my dream, then you can-" "The day I let you rule over everyone else is the day the world ends." "Then so be it!" "See? You've gone insane! I cannot let you live like this, live in this place when your mind is unknown to the point of no return!" "I'm still not giving you the orb." "Then you're the villain. And you always will be." He had never called me the villain before. It was always 'antagonist'. Never such a vile word as villain.

My heart was beating faster, my breathing stalling fast. I think the blood's draining too fast.

"And sometimes the villains win." "The villains are always the ones who die." "The villains are never the ones telling the story." "What?" "Just- let me do my thing first." "Never. I'm just gonna kill you right now honestly." "Okay." And as he drew his sword, I realized that all I had said and heard was true. That I was the villain. That the villains die eventually, be it in a sequel or not. The villains are always villain, never hero. And villains are never the tellers of the story.

At least, not until now.


Koe retrieved the orb from Catherine's coat pocket after he killed her. He returned to his town, and they congratulated him on earning such a precious ruin.

He used the orb to assume his power. He was a great leader. He revolutionized the ideals of his nation, and later the world.

It was a great feat.

And to think that the villain was the teller of this story makes you think that maybe the writer of the story makes you think "Wow, I really thought the storyteller was the hero, not the villain!" She doesn't know either. Please comment your thoughts.

Thank you for reading.


only a small percentage of people who read my stories actually follow me, so if you could, please follow my account! it's easy, and worst case scenario- you're the villain all along.

- chablemisspell -

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