1 | two different worlds | 1

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At sixteen years left on the countdown, I was born.

At fifteen years left on the countdown, I spoke for the first time. My parents weren't surprised my words of choice were 'freedom'.

At eleven years left on the countdown, I watched at they tore down the town hall. The government said that 'it was for the best'. Most of the people born before the fifty-year countdown were angry, they didn't want the States to let go of the precious history they brought with them.

I didn't mind. The grubby walls of the town hall were disturbing to me.

Soon after the town hall came down, I was sent to preschool with the local children my age.

They were nice, if not knowing as much as I did about the world.

At ten years left on the countdown, I went to primary school. I remember vividly how I got weird looks for drawing a house with the old brick texture instead of everyone else's concrete homes.

I was immediately described as different by the year level. I got along well with the older kids, spending every break time talking about history and geography. They taught me about the war that happened, and why we have the 50 year lockdown.

"There were once many countries," they began.

"They all lived in harmony- kinda. Some countries didn't like each other." 

 "Yeah, I know that. That's how the war began." 

 "Yeah- war. I'm gonna talk about it, I know the most about it." 


 "You know it's true. Anyways, the war." 

 "About twenty years ago, a country that didn't like the States sent a big bomb over, and it exploded a bunch of towns and on one of the main cities up in York."

"The government- you know what that is right?- got very angry about it and sent some of their bombs over to blow up stuff in their country." 

 "A lot of stuff blew up, the other countries had to take sides, and the war began." 

 "Nobody really know what they were fighting for, to be honest. I think the other country- Russia, I think it's called- yeah, so I think Russia wanted to get rid of our country. They had a bunch of friend countries that helped them, too." 

 "Who won?" 

 "None of us know. None of the kids born in the fifty year countdown know." 

 "Most of the adults who fought in the war are dead now. Our parents were born very close to the beginning of the lockdown, and those who were born beforehand won't tell us who won. I don't know why."

"Wow. So- what happens once the lockdown ends?" 

 "The borders open. The States are free to the world again." 

 "Whoa.. so there are other countries? Can you teach me them?" 

 "Okay. We'll start with Britain-" 

 "Why is it always Britain with you! She should learn about Japan first-" 

"Oh my goodness just pick a country and go!" 

 "Okay, we're teaching you about Italy." 


 "I- I wanna learn about Italy. Didn't they invent pizza?" 



At sixteen years left till hell broke loose, I was five years old, at preschool, learning about all the jobs I could do.

Brea was sitting in the corner, writing a poem, as she always did.

"Oi, Brea! Did you forget your glasses again?" 

 "Shush, Vance! I already know what I've done, don't make it any worse for me." 

 I shook my head, focusing myself on the job listings on the document Janine sent us all.

Most of us were on the sites, looking, learning, planning a future that we might undertake.

The idea of being a news reporter was nice in my mind, so I clicked the adjourning link and bright colours filled the screen.

So you want to be a News Reporter? Here's are the necessary requirements needed to achieve your dream job! 

Following the bold heading was a flow chart, each bubble containing subjects, extra curricular activities, and other things that could help you get the job.

I could do all this, and more! I wanted to go to art school in addition to this, so I went back and found the links to get into an art school.

"Art and Journalism, huh?" Janine called from behind me.

I turned with a smile.


 "You'll go far, Terrie." 

 "I believe in you."




only a small percentage of people who read my stories actually follow me, so if you could, please follow my account! it's easy, and worst case scenario- 50 year lockdown 

- chablemisspell -

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