1 | calendula's spilled words | 1

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To move on is to lose all I had. At least, that's how I felt about it.

I'm glad I moved on. I understand what he meant, when he said- no. When I said that flowers from 1970 couldn't last long. Back then- I hate saying it, but back then when I had only first met Dream, I was doubtful. And so I said that flowers, FLOWERS, which are living things, could not survive 50 years.

And, well... Dream took that meaning further. He taught me, he taught me so much. But mainly, that there is always a hidden meaning to otherwise plain words.

Now, I'm here again. I don't know why, but I came back here. The handprints are still on the wall. I'm unsure as to why. Someone definitely bought the house after I left. But they left the whole room untouched. The hole in the wall is still there. The telephone, oh the telephone.

It was still on the bedside table when I came back. The cord was broken still, but it was like... a piece of him still lived for a moment. 

I really loved him. And- and he loved me. It was... an interesting trope.

Anyways- more about how I am now. You're probably wondering, I've been talking about the past so much...

Well, I had a boyfriend for a bit. We broke up because we just decided that we were better off friends. 

I mentioned Wilbur at the beginning. He and Sally are doing well, and Tommy has grown up lots. He's still the same boy I met two years ago, only more mature, somewhat. He wants to become a streamer one day. I did some research about streaming, and I think Tommy will do great. I can't wait to see how he grows. Techno... he's doing well. I can say that I am proud of him too. Dream has connected me to new people, and now I can say that I have a social life... hah.

And the flowers?

They are still living. Somewhat. Some do die, but others live beyond them.The only time I would let them die is on my own deathbed, then I would have them replanted in the house's front yard. Where they'd always be from then on, I'd hope.

Moving on was difficult, but now I've done it, I can reflect on the past without getting trapped there.

Because flowers from 1970 wouldn't last that long, and neither would a time warped love.


only a small percentage of people who read my stories actually follow me, so if you could, please follow my account! it's easy, and worst case scenario- you cry

- chablemisspell -

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