2 | growth | 2

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Or, 'Blue's A Cracked Teacher'. (feat. The Chosen One)

It was just Blue and Chosen on the desktop that day. Everyone else was somewhere in the Chrome window watching Minecraft. It was quiet, that's for sure. Blue sat watching the plants grow, while the visitor paced up and down the taskbar.

Blue looked over to a sign a new blocks away, getting up to read it clearer.

Green's carrots - don't fricking touch them or I will knife you (blue i didn't swear don't come at me)

They chuckled, taking notice of the rapidly sprouting carrots from last night. Blue enjoyed teaching Green the art of botany, even through the constant fails.

It was a feeling Blue wanted to feel again. And they know the perfect person to teach.


On Chosen's 50th lap across the desktop, Blue called after them.

"Hey- Chosen!"

They turned, a sullen look on their face. Blue beckoned him over.

"Hi, Blue. What's going on?" they asked.

"Do you know how to make a farm?"

"A... what?"

"Answer the question." "Not- not in Minecraft, no."

"Today is you lucky day, Chosen! Come with me, I'll teach you the basics. Also, what's your favourite food?" Blue pulled Chosen along the cobblestone path as they spoke.

"Blue- wha- bread? Blue, what is this?" they asked. Realising how little Chosen knew about their ideas, Blue backtracked a bit.

"Look, I just- I don't want to chill alone with the plants. I thought maybe... I could teach you? I helped Green yesterday, and that was really fun. If you don't want to I understand, I really do." 


 "You... can go if you want?" 

 "This might actually be interesting. Okay, see if you can teach me everything you know." 


 "Sure, dude. Just don't poison me."

"Let's go, then! Hopefully we can get to making you your own little farm, Chosen."

"Oh, alright," Chosen said, Blue throwing some diamond hoes and seeds out of his inventory.


They sat beside the ring of planted wheat seeds, a water source fuelling their growth.

"You caught on faster than I thought, dude. Well done," Blue conceded.

"Thanks, I guess. That was... fun." Blue looked at Chosen as they talked, paying close attention to their nostalgic tone towards the end. Their eyes were looking up, sparkles gathering in the orbs.

"I haven't really felt this much fun since-" They broke off, their mind thinking of the showdown that had happened weeks before.

"Since before the whole virus thing- Holy shit, it just became taller!" Chosen exclaimed, pointing at the seeds shooting higher into the air.

"Whoever taught you and Green to swear will get my hand in their face." 

 "Oh, you don't- oh. It was Dark, by the way. I dunno for Green, but Dark found the words while we were... destroying the internet and all that."

"Well that sucks. They're already dead. But hey- the wheat's growing!" 

 "Is it always that slow?" "Normally, yes."

"If I put fire on it will it help at all?" 

 "Wha- no!"

"Then how do I make it grow faster?" "If you add bone meal to the dirt the plant will grow faster. Do you want to try it?" Blue asked. Chosen nodded, and Blue rummaged in their pockets, throwing some netherwart, seeds and other assorted things out. Soon, they pulled a white substance out and handed it to Chosen, who held it over the plant.

"How do I..." "Just throw it over the plants. You'll be fine."

Chosen dropped the bonemeal onto the dirt, and almost immediately, the wheat grew more. Soon enough, the wheat was yellow and ready to harvest.

"Hoooooooooooolllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-" 

 "Don't you dare." 

 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiish kebab." 


"That didn't happen. Look, the wheat's ready! I think."

"Yeah. Yeah, it is! Okay, now we gotta harvest it."

"Yeah. Can we make a cake next?" 

 "Sure. I'll get Red to help me out with that, he's more experienced with animals than I am."



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- chablemisspell -

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