chapter 2

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Bells pov

We finished the report 2 hours later. We walked out and headed to sugar cub corner. There golden saw her boyfriend, storm chaser. He grabbed her hand. He smiled at her. And she smiled back. Mint chuckled at the sight. I rolled my eyes at how gross it was. I made a gag sound. Storm rolled his eyes playfully. "So what would you gals like to eat? Its on me"said storm

Storm wrapped his arm around golden waist. A sign to show she was his. Mint and golden ordered. So did storm. Storm looked at me. "What would you like bell?"asked storm

"I will skip. I am not hungry or thirsty right now"I said

"Okay can I have a super boiling hot, hot chocolate?"asked storm

"Anything for you guys"said miss cake

She left to go take our order. In a few, our order came. I picked mine up. It was warm. Mint looked at me. "How can you take so much heat?"he asked

"I am fire. I can take anything hot"I replied

Mint chuckled and drank his lemon water. Golden took out her book and began reading. Storm came close and read with her. Mint sighed. I took my phone. Mint looked at me then looked out the window.

Mints pov

She took out her phone and began to do things with it. I wanted to start a conversation but no words came. She seemed like she want interested in anything. I looked at her one more time. Her hair was a rose red. And she had a red blood highlight. Her eyes were a deep blue. She was wearing a red strapless shirt. And black jeans. She looked kinda hot. She looked at me and I quickly looked away. She stood up and whispered something to golden. Golden looked at me and giggled. She then whispered to storm and he laughed. "What are you guys laughing at?"I asked

"Uh mint can we talk for a sec"said storm

I nodded and we walked out. He told me and I felt emberassed. You could hear bell and golden laughing. I dropped my head in emberassament. Lightning patted my back. "Its okay bud"he said

I only glared at his statement. He backed up a bit. I sighed and sat back down. Bell looked at me and she giggled. I felt so humiliated. I tried not making eye contact. I just felt like dying. She tapped on my shoulder and I looked at her. She handed me a napkin. "Your dropping some of your lemon water spilled"she said

I looked and saw i knocked down my cup of water. I took the napkin and I dried it off. Lighting was still laughing. I growled lightly.

Bells pov

I was trying my hardest not to laugh. I succeeded in that. But just seeing golden and lightning laughing. Made me want to laugh. But I didn't. I could see mint felt emberassed because of that. I think we were suppose to see. But it was there. Wonder what ticked him on. Anyways I wanted to go home. I was getting frustrated by all these people. I grabbed my things and stood up. I said goodbye to everyone and walked out. I soon got home and went to bed. I took my phone out and I looked at my reflection on the black screen. I didn't know why but I always feel like there is something missing. Atmosphere texted me and asked if he could come over. I always have to deny people that. I live in Hell on Earth. Anyone who isn't fire will burn here. So I said no. But I offered to meet up with him on a weekend. He agreeded. I put my phone down and went downstairs. I grabbed a lava apple and ate it. I was thinking about mint. He seemed weird. But he was cute. All earth nation  equestrians are good looking. Golden texted and said she was still laughing. I laughed and texted her back. I love that girl. She is so crazy. We understand each other. We aren't best friends. We are like sisters.

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