chapter 4

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Bell pov

I walked to school. There I saw mint. I decided to go to him. He closed his locker. And avoided eye contact with everyone. "Hey mint"I said

Mint refused to look at me. He just waved. I loomed at him. "Mint come back here! Now!"I demanded

Mint kept walking. I growled. "Fine!"I yelled

I walked the other way.

Mints pov

I heard bell walk away. I lifted up my head to reveal the black eyed I had. I soon bumped into something. I looked up to see storm. He dropped his cup of water. "Mint what happened?"he asked

"Nothing. Nothing happened"I replied

I got up and walked away. Storm didn't look convinced. I sighed and remebr yesterday.

Flash back

I was walking threw the forest. I saw the girl and guy i was fighting laughing and walking. I followed them. Then I saw they were following bell. And the guy had a knife. I gasped and quickly ran to them. I attacked them from behind. I couldn't let them hurt her. They saw it was me. We started fighting. The girl kicked me in the gut and i fell. The guy kicked me in the face causing me the black eye. Soon a girl came and she fought them off. She offered her hand and i took it. She then left. I didn't even get a name. Oh well. I held my head and eye. When I got home i saw a black eye. I sighed and walked to bed.

End of flash back

Bells pov

I was sitting in class. Bored. Like always. Then something hit me. I looked around and saw a paper ball. I picked it up and opened it. I read it and growled. "Princess bell! Pay attention! Your not getting the royal trement"snapped my teacher

I stood up and crumbled the paper. I walked to the front of the class. "Okay who wrote this letter!"I snapped

"Bell sit down"said the teacher

"You sit down!"I snapped as my hair went on flames

The teacher sat down in fear and the students backed up a bit. "Watch out!"

I looked and saw water coming towards me. I jerked my hand up causing a fire wall to appear making the water evaporate. I jerked my hand down and the wall of flames came down. I looked at the class. They looked at me with fear in their eyes. I growled. I held up the letter. "Who wrote this!"I said threw my clenched teeth

"I did"

A girl stood up. It was that girl from the night before. I clicked my tongue. "Of course. I should have know" I said

"Names sea heart"said sea

"I dont see no love in that heart" I said

Sea heart growled and took out her sword. I laughed. "Pathetic!"I said

She growled. I took out my bow and arrow. "Not so fast!"

The guy from last night stood up. "Names death wind" said death

He took out his spear. I smirked and we took our post. The teacher looked at us. "Now calm down. You three calm down now. There is no need for war between you three"said the teacher

"That's right"I said

I put my bow and arrow down. Death and sea looked confused. They put their weapons away. I smirked and quickly grabbed mine and aimed. "Gotcha"I said

I fire and they both ducked. They growled and got out their weapons. "Lets take this fight outside!"I said

I created two fire balls and threw them at them. It hit them sending them back and threw the wall an into the fields.

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